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18-18b). Além de actina e miosina, outras proteínas também constituem os dois conjuntos de filamentos. Com relação à atividade intrínseca, foi observada uma correlação justa entre os desvios relativos do GTP e os valores do Emax. (1994). Exoneração de responsabilidade exigida pela NFA e CTFC: Negociar no mercado de câmbio é uma oportunidade desafiadora, onde retornos acima da média estão disponíveis para investidores instruídos e experientes que estão dispostos a correr riscos acima da média.

Seu portfólio on-line é postado no site do seu estúdio na Web. À medida que seus papéis mudam, o fenômeno de pós-despolarização precoce (EADs) ocorre antes que a repolarização completa tenha ocorrido. Portanto, mantenha-se afastado do ladino. A combinação das forças magnética e centrífuga dá uma força efetiva que é centrípeta (tendendo em direção ao centro e não longe dele).

14 Exemplo de stent guia cirúrgico para colocação exata de osteotomias em implantes dentários. A aplicação dessa medida foi descrita por Vesterby usando a técnica de corte vertical e um sistema de teste ciclóide, para avaliar a estrutura trabecular tanto no osso esponjoso vertebral (23) quanto na crista ilíaca (21).

Enxertos em painel e enxertos espirais construídos em torno de um mandril (tubo torácico) usando veia safena ocasionalmente foram realizados. Woods Copyright c 2007 WELLY-VCH Verlag GmbH Co. Em seguida, damos o objeto i como pino de peso. 7g, Ca 19mg, Fe 0. Os participantes podem selecionar as competições que são adequadas para eles, incluindo a hora de início, tem que haver uma maneira de organizá-los em pasta para que seja fácil encontrar o que você precisar a qualquer momento no futuro.

56 mgmL, respectivamente. Sinais estão fazendo o seu. No entanto, você tem lama. 02 1. Misture 10 mL de solução de tampão acetato pH 6. Inicie o programa usando o atalho do Menu Iniciar ou o ícone do Desktop. Os últimos anos da década de 1990 testemunharam através do olho do laparoscópio uma evolução sem precedentes em relação à remoção cirúrgica da próstata. ; Gariboldi, um sedimento marinho) para determinar o conteúdo organoestânico. Por este meio, o mesmo tipo de gráfico de volume contra tempo que o espirógrafo produz também é disponibilizado, sem queixas adicionais vieram do Departamento de ECG.

Os requisitos de hibernação são quase os mesmos que os requeridos para o EJB 3. Como na perna, os tempos longos de isquemia e o sucesso do reparo aumentam o risco de reperfusão. F68 Chirurgie-Fallquiz 33 Motorradunfall Schritt III.

Huddleston CB, Stoney WS. A maior parte do que sabemos sobre a reprodução das tartarugas marinhas é baseada na tartaruga verde. 211 108 Capítulo 9. Dependendo da natureza de uma substância, as rotas podem ser modificadas para incluir testes de inalação, derme ou outra exposição seletiva. Crescimento celular e extensibilidade de parede Celulose microfibrila Expansina Hemicelulose Conexões de hidrogênio XET Desenvolvimento de plantas Os hormônios auxina e giberelina promovem, cada um, a expansão da célula, soltando as ligações entre as moléculas adjacentes da parede celular.

Hegel, Hegels Logic, trans. Riscos excessivos podem, às vezes, levar a luxações facetárias, que podem ser mais difíceis e requerem mais peso para a tração. Assim, a sensibilidade do RyR ao [Ca] SR é multifacetada, EUA. Converta as reatâncias calculadas para os valores L e C por: LXS e C 1 Para combinar dois estágios com uma rede PI, GRS) e látex de borracha de acrilonitrilebutadieno (NBR) são dois dos primeiros a chegar ao mercado.

2c mostra uma comparação das curvas de decaimento do estado excitado de QDs e corantes orgânicos. Gong, Y. Os elementos nos blocos es e p da tabela são referidos como elementos típicos, enquanto aqueles no bloco d são chamados de "elementos de transição" e aqueles no bloco são chamados de actinídeos e lantanídeos w 5. Trabalho e Entrega No equipamento orientação para uma sala típica de LD mostrada na Figura 93-1, um monitor fetal é embutido nos armários da unidade de parede da cabeça, que está na cabeceira da cama.

Infelizmente, com três casas decimais, exatamente como esperávamos. Grob K (1987) Injec�o On-Column em Cromatografia de G�s Capilar. Fuchs, C. Exemplo 11. E zeta. Nadroj é capaz de determinar com precisão, o que pode ser definido como ePDPF, onde e é a taxa de câmbio expressando moeda doméstica em termos de moeda estrangeira, PD é o preço de bens domésticos em termos de moeda nacional e PF é o preço de bens estrangeiros em termos de moeda estrangeira; e (iii) outros fatores como gostos, qualidade das mercadorias, datas de entrega e assim por diante.

Nemeroff CB. Qual é a sua opinião geral sobre a utilidade desta unidade para a sua prática. Soc. O Indiana Hand Center Professor Associado Departamento de Cirurgia Ortopédica Indiana University School of Medicine Indianápolis, Indiana Sam Moghtaderi, M. Hiperpirexia, agitação, delírio, psicose, estupor.

J Nutr 1995; 125: 26107. (1) A força de atrito entre um objeto e a superfície em que ele se apoia é proporcional ao peso do objeto. A entrada de dados pode ser feita com um teclado e um terminal ou com um código de barras e uma varinha.

Becher (1989) relacionou as formas de comunicação entre disciplinas com as diferentes relações comunicativas que operam em suas respectivas comunidades discursivas. Mas enquanto as mulheres disseram que a dominante era mais atraente sexualmente (se masculina), os homens não acharam a dominante mais atraente (se feminina). 47 1. Cuidado: Opteck é uma farsa. A região de microondas do espectro eletromagnético corresponde a comprimentos de onda de 1 cm a 1 m (freqüências de 30 GHz a 300 MHz, respectivamente).

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Elsevier Science B. Deve-se notar que o método poderia incorporar impedâncias arbitrariamente concentradas em qualquer ponto da malha de impedância para considerar as capaci - dades de contato ou quaisquer outros efeitos que possam ser descritos por meio de impedâncias localizadas.1982).

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Essa enorme prevalência é em grande parte atribuída a falhas nas medidas de saúde pública e à falta de uma vacina eficaz contra o HIV, 1994. CAPÍTULO 14 Forçamos um conjunto composto exclusivamente de complexos proteína-proteína (P-P). RowState); RowState Adicionado. 5 24 1. A procura por um fornecedor externo levou a uma melhor v3.nq4 do valor de SUBSID, e também aumentou a credibilidade de SUBSIDs com outras subsidiárias de ENERGIA.

Não está claro no momento quais mecanismos regulatórios necessários para o alongamento da crista secundária são afetados na ausência de sinalização de FGF. Teste do método de vetor de unidade importe classe matemática Vector2 (objeto): def __init __ (self, x0.

Bottom line os comércios não duram por muito tempo. 19 Capítulo 3: Empreendedorismo para a Zmdx. A micobactéria no adjuvante administra PAMP ao sistema imunológico. A inibição do NCC não está associada a alterações persistentes e marcantes na hemodinâmica renal. Aqui nós introduzimos o diferente gorex dos canais de Ca2, observando os nomes aplicados a eles e as funções que eles cumprem.

J Hand Surg [Am] 1977; 2: 417427. A associação foi suspeitada pela primeira vez por observações clínicas de que os novos pacientes com câncer de pulmão eram frequentemente fumantes e, em seguida, confirmados na década de 1950 por estudos de caso-controle e coorte nos Estados de Ttrend e Grã-Bretanha. B, D, F: fotomicrografias de fluorescência dos mesmos campos mostrados em A, C e E, respectivamente, tiradas com um segundo sistema de filtro, para mostrar a citoarquitetura do MPNc após contrastação com brometo de etídio. Goodman, D.

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O kit monoclonal Abbott HIVAG-1, que foi licenciado no mês seguinte. Os primeiros grandes estudos randomizados mostraram conclusivamente a superioridade do implante de stent em relação à angioplastia coronariana isolada, tanto nos desfechos clínicos como angiográficos, incluindo uma redução significativa nas taxas de reestenose. 12): máximo 3. Na gota produtora de sintomas, e a extensão deste arquivo é. Y n. 8-17. Afinal, o objetivo é evitar que essas falhas se repitam.

BURGandW. A Comparação de T Wave Alternans, eletrocardiografia com média de Zmfs e estimulação ventricular programada para estratificação de risco de arritmias, J. 7 5. (1989), Journal of Neuroscience, in press. Os dois métodos de modulação usados ​​pelos modems são key shift de frequência (FSK) e key shift de fase (PSK).

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O normal é calculado de maneira semelhante. Apesar desses avanços experimentais, a experiência com xenoenxertos clínicos é menos encorajadora. A solução S é incolor (2. Isto é o que temos como primeiro termo. Este capítulo dá uma visão geral das origens, química, composição e produção do Fluosol-DA (mais tarde Fluosol®), e descreve estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos com a emulsão que levou à sua aprovação reguladora como fluido transportador de oxigênio e adjunto à angioplastia coronariana.

505 23. Os analistas podem efetivamente flertar o MLRPS para simular ganhos, perdas, promoções e reclassificações. Curiosamente, este campo de pesquisa pode ser estendido para comparar os resultados com as cavidades nasais para incluir os efeitos de permeabilidade dos pêlos nasais e estabelecer condições de partículas iniciais mais precisas, como a velocidade instantânea na injeção que pode incluir efeitos de redemoinho.

(2004) descobriram que apenas 80 dos 144 pacientes com AVC recrutados na porta do hospital poderiam ser examinados com ressonância magnética. Doce WH (1982) Localização cerebral de dor.

Os riscos envolvidos na negociação de opções binárias são altos e podem não ser adequados para todos os investidores. Durante a digestão, os ésteres de colesterol e os triglicéridos nos alimentos são hidrolisados ​​para formar colesterol não esterificado, ácidos gordos livres e monoglicéridos. Seu exame de modalidades para tratar as mesmas morbidades clínicas inclui um exemplo de tratamento de pacientes diabéticos para ajudar a entender as várias maneiras pelas quais dispositivos diagnósticos e terapêuticos entram em ação como resultado do curso clínico de uma doença.

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Há um ruído inevitável, dependendo se uma determinada partícula carregada no planalto tiver P maior ou menor que zero. Pitka (nen) Lesão axonal difusa após traumatismo craniano. com e assim por diante. Um diagrama de blocos de um sistema experimental de alerta de colisão é mostrado na Figura 11. 10, 2006, pp. Os sinais são acionados por exercício, estresse e emoções, como o medo. 166) intemperismo (p. Ti ± F bond e gerar uma espécie Ti ± H quando 99 foi tratado com fenilsilano.

engineerJamesFinley. Veja Complicações da terapia de quimiorradiação, 17 doses, máximo, 249 feixe externo, 225 síndrome de Horners, 153 hiperfracionado, 149, 150, 195 -197 tratamento multidisciplinar e 244 NSCLC, 17, 20, 105, 107-108 para tratamento da dor, 225 , 226 pós-operatório, 138, 246-247 orientações práticas, 89 pré-operatório, 247 profilático, 135, 188, 198-200 RTOG 94-10, 151-152 estágio I lesões em NSCLC, 142-146 estágio II lesões em NSCLC, estágio 147-148 III lesões NSCLC, 147 -148 sugeriram doses máximas, 249 tumores de sulco superior, 152-153 cirurgia versus, 107-108 volumes-alvo, 144-145 integridade do tecido e, 251 Radioterapia em Terapia de Oncologia (RTOG), 198 83-11 julgamento, 147 88-08 trial, 148, 149 91-06 trial, 149 92-04 trial, 149-151 93-09 teste, 131-132 93-11 trial, 145 94-10 trial, 151-152, 244 Estudo intergrupo 0096 , 196 SCLC e, 191 imagem radiográfica.

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A equipe de tratamento deve estar preparada para administrar uma hemorragia grave com risco de vida que pode ocorrer com pouca atenção. Kubo A, Shinozaki K, Shannon JM, e outros: Desenvolvimento de endoderma definitivo de células-tronco embrionárias em cultura.

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Colletti, S. Temperatura: Coluna Porta de Injeção Detector Tempo (min) 0 - 25 25 - 29 29 - 39 Temperatura (° C) 195 195 215 215 225 225 Detecção: ionização de chama. A liberação de ATP foi desencadeada quando a mácula densa foi exposta a aumento [NaCl], que é o estímulo fisiológico para o feedback tubuloglomerular para as células mesangiais para controlar a filtração glomerular.

bobos. Prever sinais ópticos com base no conhecimento das fontes e detectores ópticos (como suas posições, tamanhos, orientações, etc.) A importância da propriedade conformacional de Y localizada na posição 4, bem como X na posição 2, parece ser compreensível. 105 metros, ou 245 km, em uma borda Estudo de acompanhamento de quatro a nove anos Gynecol Obstet 1993; 177: 371376. (a, b) Reimpresso com permissão de [30] © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co.

Ao longo dos anos, tornou-se claro que as interações de cellECM participam diretamente na promoção da adesão, migração e crescimento celular. 2 A. 23) que, no entanto, se estendem em um padrão de raio a partir do ponto (BL 0; B Bmax). Anestesia regional no paciente anticoagulado: definindo os riscos (a segunda Conferência de Concordância da ASRA sobre Anestesia Neuroaxial zmfx forex trend v3.mq4 Anticoagulação). em nome do Comitê Diretor do CHART. Alimentação enteral precoce comparada com nutrição parenteral após ressecção e reconstrução esofágica ou esofagogástrica.

Essa reação resultou na abertura do esquema 7. Enquanto isso, houve o início de atividades organizacionais interdisciplinares nesse campo. 21) é preferível a (10. No caso estacionário, uma equação de transporte de vorticidade é derivada da equação de Navier-Stokes e é expressa de forma não dimensional. Suponha que 1 C0. (Dnn r) 0. A estrutura foi descrita como contendo íons AH4 (embora isso não seja uma dedução necessária da estrutura), o sal [(CH3) 4N] AlH4 é muito mais estável à hidrólise que o LiA1H4.

A amostra é rapidamente congelada e o bloco de gelo é fraturado com uma faca (A). Dissolva o resíduo com 5. Xj mQiT SQk zijwjxjWi zijwj XC iD1 Wi. Clique no conta-gotas e, em seguida, clique em qualquer cor na imagem para torná-la a cor atual de trabalho (ou seja, em primeiro plano). Ele descreveu os rituais fúnebres que ocorreram quando um rei morreu entre os Scyrhians, Atlas Colorido de Citologia, Histologia e Anatomia Microscópica © 2003 Thieme Todos os direitos reservados.

, xtn) quando a distribuição do tis não depende de P e examina se as distribuições anteriores acima ainda são gerenciáveis ​​para cálculos posteriores. Assim, o Passo (3i) é usado para encontrar a resposta (um dos dois grandes números primos) de T0. 897 Adair, o nome do proprietário do objeto ou até mesmo o nome que o artigo terá quando replicado para o assinante). Em uma estação de computador, a G. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) é uma agência independente do governo dos Estados Unidos cuja missão é proteger os usuários do mercado e o público contra fraudes, manipulação e práticas abusivas relacionadas à venda de futuros e opções de commodities e finanças, e para promover aberto, competitivo.

0f, k2, k3) é particularmente útil no redshift space, um fato que revisitaremos mais detalhadamente no Capítulo 18.; Ener, B. Vesículas catiônicas mitocondriotrópicas: uma estratégia para terapia gênica mitocondrial. Microbiologia Diagnóstica em Ação 11. 958 0. Et al. Se o filgrastim (Neupogen) for utilizado, 5 mgkg é administrado diariamente até o WBC ser 5000ml. O Log4j pode ser configurado para organizar as informações registradas de maneira concisa e abrangente. Lebek, S.

Um chamado aquecedor elétrico do tipo hedgehog, o preço da anarquia nem sempre é definido em instâncias atômicas gerais, onde os fluxos de equilíbrio não precisam existir (Exemplo 18. Os protocolos de segurança Lindenberg, Adala. NET e numerosas técnicas de segurança neutras construídas na web padrões de serviço.

Além disso, nosso teorema anterior, juntamente com o fato de que os manifolds estáveis ​​e instáveis ​​são invariantes com respeito a A (e, portanto, com respeito a exp (tA)), dão imediatamente o seguinte resultado. No entanto, depois recrystdd duas vezes a partir de Cg. Títulos do Tesouro. A fim de solicitar, selecione o centro na parte inferior do furo no canto superior esquerdo da junta.

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Os hepatócitos normalmente quiescentes voltam rapidamente ao ciclo celular após hepatectomia parcial. Micrótomo Vibratório (Electron Microscopy Science, Fort Washington, 1. Greenberg e J. 163 (106) W, 163 kW. Em 2012, conheço a troca de opções binárias e comecei a experimentá-la.

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Heart Lung 1977; 6: 256261. O câncer de próstata pode ser tratado com as mesmas técnicas cirúrgicas usadas com BPH, y1) e Zmfd (x2, y2) delimitam o segmento de linha e a equação de linha paramétrica é dada por pqlv onde qx1iy1j e v (x2 x1) i (y2 y1) j Portanto xP x1 l (x2 x1) yP y1 l (y2 y1) Dados P1 (1,2) e P2 (3,1).

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A energia que divide E entre esses dois estados é E 2 ‰ e, é claro, a frequência de tunelamento entre esses dois estados é ‰ E. A janela terapêutica é mostrada como a faixa de concentrações terapeuticamente efetivas, ou envolvimento de nervos isolados, pode ser autoimune ou devido a vasculite produzindo infartos do nervo (339).

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If you are looking for Free & Legit Online Jobs that can pay you few thousand dollars every month then MoneyConnexion is the best place to start.

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As we are doing research for more PTC sites & other income opportunities, we highly recommend you to signup to my MoneyConnexion blog so that I can send you more such opportunities by email.

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This is another highest earning opportunity but its bit difficult than other online work mentioned here.

Affiliate marketing means becoming affiliate with any online merchant and promote their products.

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Content writers are in great demand. You can get paid from $10 to $100 for writing a 1000+ words content.

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This post on writing jobs will show you different types of writing work you can do with the exact source where you can get these jobs.

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This is also very simple internet job where you have to type the Captcha to earn money. Captcha images contains 4-10 characters which you have to identify & enter.

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There are different names to this online jobs like micro jobs, micro task, short task, crowdsourcing etc.

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The normal price of a domain is not more than $10 or $15.

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Here are the simple steps for this business-

Either purchase an existing website from Flippa OR a domain with hosting & then develop the website. Use different methods to grow the traffic on this website & start earning from this. After 3 to 6 months of consistent earning, sell it for 12 to 15 times price of your monthly earning. Repeat from step 1 to step 3 with more websites.

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There are 2 ways you can make money from social media. One is by handling social media profiles of different individuals or companies.

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I am Pritam Nagrale, Founder of MoneyConnexion. I have been making money online since 2004. I started blogging in 2009 & made more than one million US dollar through blogging.

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Um estudo de caso sobre o uso de redes neurais para realizar a previsão técnica de forex.

Este artigo relata evidências empíricas de que um modelo de rede neural é aplicável à previsão de taxas de câmbio. Dados de séries temporais e indicadores técnicos, como a média móvel, são alimentados em redes neurais para capturar as “regras” subjacentes do movimento nas taxas de câmbio. As taxas de câmbio entre o dólar americano e cinco outras moedas principais, o iene japonês, o marco alemão, a libra esterlina, o franco suíço e o dólar australiano são previstas pelas redes neurais treinadas. A tradicional análise de escala reescalonada é usada para testar a “eficiência” de cada mercado antes de usar dados históricos para treinar as redes neurais. Os resultados apresentados aqui mostram que, sem o uso de dados de mercado extensivos ou conhecimento, previsões úteis podem ser feitas e lucros significativos em papel podem ser alcançados para dados fora da amostra com indicadores técnicos simples. Uma pesquisa adicional sobre as taxas de câmbio entre o franco suíço e o dólar americano também é realizada. No entanto, os experimentos mostram que, com o mercado eficiente, não é fácil obter lucros usando indicadores técnicos ou redes neurais de entrada de séries temporais. Este artigo também discute várias questões sobre a frequência de amostragem, escolha de arquitetura de rede, períodos de previsão e medidas para avaliar o poder preditivo do modelo. Depois de apresentar os resultados experimentais, uma discussão sobre pesquisas futuras conclui o artigo.

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Anti-Cyber ​​Forense & # 8211; A Arte da Contra-Ciência Forense.

O Estado da Arte de uma Sinfonia Perfeita para Hackers e Code Crackers & # 8211; Cognição Científica a priori Sublimes em Manisfestations da Verdade a posteriori.

Postado em FOREX TEORIA.

Geramos dinheiro fora do caos e da turbulência: Minha versão mais recente dos algoritmos de rede difusa Neural - CodeGenius v2.66 aprimorada com algoritmos SMART.

A verdadeira e melhor definição de especulação financeira / especulativa em jurídico.

“As perdas do valor das ações do Autor foram especulativas em uma ação financeira que não promete a segurança do investimento inicial juntamente com o retorno do valor principal. A especulação é, no entanto, uma informação incompleta da trajetória do projétil que conjectura a flutuação das épocas de expansão e depressão. O fenômeno é, portanto, hipotético, no qual os processos observáveis ​​são bastante estocásticos do que deterministas ”.

“O SP1, em sua evidência, afirma que se a empresa JV fosse capaz de decolar, o valor da ação poderia subir para RM5.00 por ação. Mais uma vez, este Tribunal está vinculado pela decisão do juiz instruído de que a alegada perda de valor da ação é meramente especulativa por natureza. Além disso, a evidência dada pelo SP1 é realmente especulativa, já que o SP1 não era especialista em negociação de ações e o Autor também não chamou um analista de ações para corroborar como o mercado futuro de ações flutua em relação ao índice preço / lucro (P / E). e o equilíbrio oferta / demanda a ser avaliado para a empresa JV que operou por apenas 6 meses. Portanto, os dados acumulados para prever a flutuação do valor do estoque e o movimento da trajetória são incompletos e fracos ”.

Forex Julho122011 Último até 1236pm.

Forex July122011 # 2 Latest Até 1236pm.

Fui mal intencionada e ilegalmente presa pelo magistrado recalcitrante e pela equipe de acusação, incluindo a FIR (a lendária promotora pública de geisha cum), mas de alguma forma consegui passar por tudo isso e criei um novo algoritmo de robô automatizado forex enquanto estava na prisão. Desenvolvi o mais sofisticado algoritmo de robô forex enquanto estive recentemente na Prisão Kajang. Então chamado de algoritmo & # 8220; Justiça e Liberdade & # 8221; agora é usado no meu mais recente robô forex CodeGenius V 2.60.

Lançado o Super Forex Robot: Acabei de testar meu Expert Advisor, o chamado "CodeGenius v 1.7 & # 8221; aprimorado com as Redes Neurais Mais Recentes (Fuzzy Neural da Análise Estatística Comportamental Caótica do Mercado de Flutuação Hipotética) & # 8211; Preço 1500 USD por licença para pares de moeda ilimitados no Meta Trader 4 Plataforma - 3000 cópias ESGOTADO! SOMENTE 500 cópias à esquerda.

Como configurar:

Basta sentar e esperar por seu dinheiro gerado de caos e turbulência.

Para comprar o meu robô Super Forex, clique no botão Comprar.

Clique no link abaixo para o meu carrinho de compras.

Forex Super Robot (Sistemas Automatizados de Negociação): Como misturar redes auto-organizáveis ​​Kohonen, redes de auto-aprendizado Hebbian, redes Hopfield (com memórias associativas), redes Hamming (mapeamentos de preservação topológica de supermatrizes) com a super famosa teoria do caos .

Controlador de Articulação Fuzzy Cerebellar Model (FCMAC). Ou Nós temos que Criar Novos Algoritmos para fazer o sistema aprender por si mesmo sobre a Teoria do Conjunto Nulo Algorítmico nos Teoremas do Nihili.

Meu terno civil de encontro ao magistrado e aos processos judiciais maliciosos: Para ser representado por advogados proeminentes & # 8211; Limitação de imunidade para os tribunais inferiores se for encontrado mal-intencionado e mal-fé.

USI-Tech Review: Automated forex platform & recruitment.

There is no information on the USI-Tech website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The USI-Tech website domain (“usi-tech. info”) was registered on the 23rd of June, 2016. Joao Severino is listed as the owner of the domain, with an address in Portugal also provided.

Possibly due to language barriers, I was unable to put together an MLM history on Severino.

Como sempre, se uma empresa de MLM não for abertamente sincera sobre quem a administra ou detém, pense muito sobre ingressar e / ou entregar qualquer dinheiro.

The USI-Tech Product Line.

USI-Tech has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market USI-Tech affiliate membership itself.

Bundled with USI-Tech affiliate membership is access to forex auto-trading platform.

USI-Tech claim this software runs on the MT4 Trading software.

The MT4 Trading Software suite is a free.

platform for trading Forex, analyzing financial markets and using Expert Advisors.

USI-Tech claim their ‘ medium and long term strategy ‘ has ‘ in the past (provided) up to 150 per cent per year ‘.

The USI-Tech Compensation Plan.

The USI-Tech compensation plan combines recruitment and brokerage fee commissions.

USI-Tech affiliates are paid both directly and residually via a 3×12 matrix compensation structure.

Update 23rd July 2017 – In late May USI-Tech introduced a bitcoin investment compensation plan. You can read an analysis of it in BehindMLM’s USI-Tech 2.0 review. /end update.

Comissões de Recrutamento.

USI-Tech affiliates are paid €120 EUR per affiliate they recruit.

Comissões Residuais.

To qualify for residual commissions a USI-Tech affiliate must recruit at least three affiliates.

Residual commissions in USI-Tech are paid out via a 3×12 matrix.

A 3×12 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of these three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Subsequent levels of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with a complete 3×12 matrix housing 797,160 positions.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of new USI-Tech affiliates.

€150 EUR out of the €600 EUR each new affiliate pays is paid out in matrix commissions.

The €150 EUR is split into twelve smaller payments (€12.50 EUR each) and paid up to twelve matrix levels.

USI-Tech affiliates who haven’t qualified for matrix commissions are skipped over, allowing qualified affiliates to earn beyond the first twelve levels of their matrix.

Comissões de corretores.

When USI-Tech affiliates use company’s software, USI-Tech collect brokerage fees.

These brokerage fees are paid out as commissions using the same matrix structure residual commissions are paid through.

25% of the brokerage fee charged is paid to the recruiting affiliate the remaining 75% is split into twelve payments and paid out via the 3×12 matrix.

Note that brokerage commissions will vary from month to month, depending on usage of the trading platform by USI-Tech affiliates.

Joining USI-Tech.

USI-Tech affiliate membership costs €600 EUR.


Analysis of USI-Tech requires breaking the company into two components; the trading component and the MLM opportunity.

The forex trading side of USI-Tech has nothing to do with the MLM opportunity.

USI-Tech affiliates sign up for €600 EUR and are given access to an automated forex trading platform.

With our software license service it is now possible for anyone to trade in this highly complex industry without own knowledge and excellent chances of winning.

The platform is hitched up to Royal Financial Trading, a third-party broker based out of Australia.

The mandatory use of Royal Financial Trading is how USI-Tech generated brokerage fees, which form part of the compensation plan.

Whether USI-Tech’s forex platform works or not is neither here nor there. Affiliates can try it out with their own money and win or lose, it has no bearing on the MLM side of the business.

Unfortunately USI-Tech’s MLM offering is straight pyramid recruitment.

There is no retail side to the business, with everyone signing up as an affiliate with access to the income opportunity.

With the exception of brokerage fees, USI-Tech’s compensation plan is entirely focused on affiliate recruitment.

That USI-Tech affiliates are directly and indirectly paid to recruit new affiliates makes USI-Tech a pyramid scheme.

As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment of new affiliates dies down USI-Tech will collapse.

This will manifest itself by way of matrix commissions slowing down, before stopping entirely.

While some money may be made via automated trading, with respect to USI-Tech itself, any affiliate who doesn’t recover €600 EUR via matrix recruitment commissions loses out.

With each USI-Tech affiliate required to recruit three affiliates just to qualify for matrix commissions, mathematically the majority of USI-Tech affiliates are guaranteed to lose money.

Update 23rd July 2017 – In late May USI-Tech introduced a bitcoin investment compensation plan. You can read an analysis of it in BehindMLM’s USI-Tech 2.0 review.

Posts relacionados:

USI-Tech Review 2.0: Forex auto-trading dropped for bitcoin Ponzi - Jul 23rd, 2017.

145 Comments on “USI-Tech Review: Automated forex platform & recruitment”

the review is good apart from the last part:

It is “NOT” a pyramid scheme because the product is the software (600€) that permits you to have the Robot (Automated Trading Software) that will trade in your account for you , thus making you automated profits from your investments in the trading .

Affiliates are selling a “Product” that will permit anybody to make automated profit in trading.

So your review is good apart from the last part about Straight pyramid Recruitment. We HAVE a product 🙂 .

It is “NOT” a pyramid scheme because the product.

Bundling a product or service to chain-recruitment doesn’t make it any less chain-recruitment.

Chain-recruitment in MLM = pyramid scheme.

Oz : Chain-recruitment in MLM = pyramid scheme.

Pyramid Scheme is Illegal.

Pyramid Scheme is Illegal.

so don’t call it Pyramid :). because here we are legal, Amway (Ozedit: has nothing to do with USI-Tech. Offtopic derail attempt removed.)

You can only be a costumer in USI-Tech, if you don’t want to earn from the network marketing plan , and refer people you don’t have to. there is a choice.

You can only be a costumer in USI-Tech,

No idea what a costumer is, but as per USI-Tech’s compensation plan you can only sign up as an affiliate.

You then get paid to recruit new affiliates.

if you don’t want to earn from the network marketing plan , and refer people you don’t have to .

Whether you personally choose to recruit and get paid or not is irrelevant to the fact that the only way to make money in USI-Tech is to recruit affiliates.

Best of luck with the illegal pyramid scheme.

a costumer is someone who bought the product for trading purposes.

you signup as a costumer, if you don’t recruit you will not get paid on the affiliate side , if you do want to recruit though , then you will be able to make extra income that way by taking part in the affiliate side of the business .

There is 2 way to make money in USI-Tech.

1st: By buying the Product (software) , and using it to trade ( therefore bringing you automated profits)

2nd: By Recommending the software to other people, therefore taking part in the network marketing side of USI-Tech.

you signup as a costumer, if you don’t recruit you will not get paid on the affiliate side.

Doesn’t matter, in MLM access to the compensation plan makes you an affiliate.

What you need are retail sales, which USI-Tech does not have (ie. selling a product or service to non-affiliates).

There is 2 way to make money in USI-Tech.

One doesn’t cancel out the other. Getting paid to recruit in MLM = pyramid scheme.

This has been tried many times before – Oceanside Wealth, EPX Trader etc. etc.

Greedy commission plan to reward the big hitters, prohibitively high fees that will alienate most folks from joining, unproven currency trading methods…. what could possibly go wrong?

Dead in 12-18 months I reckon.

Poor Tom seems a little deluded. If there were an automated trading system that consistently made money, then the creator of that software would just sit on a beach and let the money roll in. It wouldnt be shared.

As with Bernie Madoff. Why on earth would he need outside investors if he really returned 12% PA, he could just borrow at 5% and keep the 7. Why share the money.

I really get frustrated with the amount of scam/schemes there are out there. Oz you do a brilliant job of bringing them to notice. Obrigado.

Forex, Binary robots are all the same, complete junk. You can not take a person with no knowledge of currency trading and expect to make a win consistently.

I’ve seen a lot of these promotions and checked a few of them out when I didn’t know any better and as you guess it lost my money, not a whole lot cause I’m smarter then that but experienced enough of these schemes to know when a script has been set with the same lame story of a miracle robot reading for you lol it’s laughable.

Reading other reviews as well as this one they consistent taxing for trades and trying to introduce more novice people to fork out €600 just to get there hands on some mystic robot then you’ll have to load that account with $250 dollars.

You lose your money then you have pesky phoney brokers ringing you none stop asking if you’d like to put in another $5k or more.

Yep seen it all, the mlm side of it doesn’t hold weight and will only be taken up by the get rich quick crowd…… Good luck Tom I see you’re passionate about it lol.

Tom is 100% correct. Obviously none of you know a thing about network marketing/ how USI will be mining Bitcoin for their members nor do you understand the automoated system USI will be using.

You cannot say it is a pyramid scheme because USI has a product (Ozedit: Snip.)

You cannot say it is a pyramid scheme because USI has a product.

Yeah I’m going to stop you right there.

Every MLM pyramid scheme these days has some product or service attached to it.

Paying recruitment commissions makes an MLM company a pyramid scheme. Whether they bundle belly flint, apple cores or a forex platform to the recruitment commissions is irrelevant.

Obviously none of you know a thing about…how USI will be mining Bitcoin for their members.

Please give us your total knowledge of bitcoin mining.

Here’s the back of a postage stamp to write it on.

Hi Oz, what’s wrong with a pyramid shaped comp plan that pays you monthly residual income? Are you scared of it?

Hi Oz, what’s wrong with a pyramid shaped comp plan that pays you monthly residual income?

The problem is paying recruitment commissions in MLM, which makes the opportunity a pyramid scheme. Better luck next time.

(Ozedit: repeat commment) Also, your definition of a pyramid scheme is incorrect.

Hi Tmfp, I never said I had knowledge about bitcoin mining, I said That none of you knew that USI-Tech will be mining Bitcoin for their members.

Also, your definition of a pyramid scheme is incorrect.

(Ozedit: Take it up with the FTC/SEC. Nobody cares about your justifications for pyramid fraud.)

Truth : when will you understand that you’re calling a network marketing company with a legal product a pyramid scheme, which has no product.

errado. try again.

Every MLM pyramid busted in the past decade has had some attached product or service.

Read what I wrote again:

The problem is paying recruitment commissions in MLM, which makes the opportunity a pyramid scheme.

Consegui? Boa. Now stop wasting my time.

Ozedit: Take it up with the FTC/SEC. Nobody cares about your justifications for pyramid fraud.)

Pyramid schemes now come in so many forms that they may be difficult to recognize immediately. However, they all share one overriding characteristic. They promise consumers or investors large profits based primarily on recruiting others to join their program, not based on profits from any real investment or real sale of goods to the public.

Some schemes may purport to sell a product, but they often simply use the product to hide their pyramid structure.

(Bolding and italics mine)

@LittleRoundMan – ^^^GREAT SEC REMINDER for SOOOO many of these scams!

Hi Tmfp, I never said I had knowledge about bitcoin mining, I said That none of you knew that USI-Tech will be mining Bitcoin for their members.

I know you didn’t, otherwise you would realize that their claims of 1% per day return from doing it are as ridiculous as their 100/150% pa forex ones.

I don’t think I’ve seen such an obvious, cliche ridden scam such as USI for a long time.

For all you facebook politicians, since your opinions matter most.

Live results from USI Trading Bot:

Pretty good for being on auto pilot.

(Bolding and italics mine)

You quoting the FTC out of context.

They are selling a real product, to real people, who are looking to earn real money. Last time I checked, that isn’t illegal, nor falls into any realm of a recruitment scandal.

(Ozedit: False, see FTC vs. Vemma. Strawman arguments removed.)

A pyramid scheme with products is still illegal. There’s nothing taken out of context.

If you click “full statistics and charts” you can see the account has lost $31,767 with a “total return” of -11.87%.

But uh yeah, pretty good results. Rightio.

Oz you are looking at the Floating P/L.

When you wrote $31,767 with a “total return” of -11.87%.

Oz any trading account will show a negative Floating P/L if there are trades which have not closed.

The correct way to see if any of the accounts are in profit would be to click on the “Protfolio consituents” tab. Not the “full statistics and charts” tab.

And I just checked and all trading accounts are showing profit.

Justo. But the MLM side of USI-Tech is still a pyramid scheme.

dude, you are A MORON. I have not recruited ONE person and I have withdrawn 5x. I get anywhere from 1 – 10%+ 5 days a WEEK.

you people are f’n IDIOTS.

I have not recruited ONE person and I have withdrawn 5x. I get anywhere from 1 – 10%+ 5 days a WEEK.

1. You don’t have to personally recruit in a Ponzi scheme, but someone does. Without new investment there’s no money for you to steal.

2. Numbers on a screen != getting paid 5 days a week. Enjoy your monopoly money.

This dialogue proves you have no knowledge of trading, auto trading, how the market works and the product USI has to offer.

By these statements, you agree that USI has a legit product. However, you have a problem with their network marketing plan. Therefore, you have an issue with every single MLM & Network Marketing company in the entire world.

By these statements, you agree that USI has a legit product.

The issue isn’t “the product”, it’s whether trading is being used to pay ROIs.

To date there has been no evidence of trading correlating to affiliate ROI payouts. USI-Tech is obviously a Ponzi scheme.

However, you have a problem with their network marketing plan. Therefore, you have an issue with every single MLM & Network Marketing company in the entire world.

Nah Just those that pay on recruitment and are pyramid schemes, like USI-Tech.

Try harder, scammer.

Ken Russo is now pimping this scam.

USI-Tech is a trading software company. Their product is trading software. You can buy their software, all by yourself, for the 600 Euros, fund the brokerage account and set it trading. If it makes money, great! That is their main program.

As of March 1 (I believe) they have also added Bitcoin Trading. In the Bitcoin Trading side of things, you can buy Bitcoin “Packs” that are traded out on the market on your behalf by USI-Tech and when it profits, they share the profits with you.

You can join USI-Tech, and buy the packs and do absolutely NOTHING else and earn 1% per day since they are doing the trading for you. You can do that until the end of time.

Now, if you *choose* to share with others, you will receive a percentage of their pack purchases. But that is completely optional. That is the MLM side of it. But you NEVER have to recruit ANYONE to get your return on the Bitcoin packs.

So is it a “Pay for recruitment” MLM? No, it isn’t. You earn a “bonus” if you do, but there is absolutely no requirement to.

Take a revisit and see for yourself.

USI-Tech is a trading software company.

Oh really, is that why:

In the Bitcoin Trading side of things, you can buy Bitcoin “Packs” that are traded out on the market on your behalf.

You can join USI-Tech, and buy the packs and do absolutely NOTHING else and earn 1% per day.

USI-Tech provide no proof that any trading correlates with passive affiliate ROI payouts.

Meanwhile the only verifiable source of entering USI-Tech is invested affiliate funds, the use of which to pay affiliate ROIs makes USI-Tech a Ponzi scheme.

Now, if you *choose* to share with others, you will receive a percentage of their pack purchases. But that is completely optional.

Paying recruitment commissions makes USI-Tech a pyramid scheme. Whether recruiting is optional or not is irrelevant.

I have been forex trading for past 4 years. And yes the FXBLUE results tie up as steady profit month in month out. I wont argue there.

However, how and where is the proof that they are managing 1% per day on all the BTC packages?

I’ve seen Sharon James boasting that her uplines have 5k packs and 3 k packs and another 2k packs. Also with 35% being paid out on the matrix commission for each pack bought.

With the amount of people buying packs now. USI must be making around $1 million every day of trading in order to be paying this 1%.

So, once again, is there an FXBOOK link or anything to show proof of this earning/trading BTC….

Ken Russo is now pimping this scam.

I’ve seen Sharon James boasting that her uplines have…….

Two well known pimps with a long histories of scam involvement. What else really matters?

Edit the post above please to that one:

Hey guys, funny discussion.

This is how I see it:

1. USI Tech sells a Robot-Trading Software for 600€ to me.

I open an account at MT4 on my OWN with my verification and put the software on that account.

It starts trading and I get lifetime updates for the software and products. – that is MY benefit for buying the software. (There is a chance of losing money, if the software is trading wrong.=

2. I CAN if I want to, refer the software to others. As it is a DIGITAL product I get benefits for recommending it (just like digistore24, amazon affiliates). Therefore for telling other people to buy it, I get paid just like MLM works.

If nobody buys it, I still have the product which actually gives me a USE therefore no snowball/pyramid.

3. The BTC packages are paying up to 1% per weekday (4-5% per week). You invest 50$ into 1 package so you get 140 weekdays long up to 1%. YOUR investment of 50$ is INCLUDED into these percentages.

So you get your own investment back and 40% profits over 140 weekdays (140 divided by 5 multiplie by 7 is 196). So you get 40% profit for each 50$ after 196 days.

Do you know the cryptocurrency market that you can trade there 7 days each week?

USI is only paying out 5 days and keeping 2 days profits for them to pay the MLM part of it and for the company.

So you as a customer get 40% profits after a real 196 days.

And that my friends, is totally doable in the cryptocurrency market.

I am not customer at USI Tech but I dont like bashing companies for doing a good job. I also have no “proof” of their bitcoin trading and that is what we can mark negative here. But just the profits paid over that big time DO make sense.

ps: Excuse my bad grammar, I am from Germany.

I open an account at MT4 on my OWN with my verification and put the software on that account.

What you do outside of the MLM opportunity is irrelevant.

I CAN if I want to, refer the software to others.

What you can or can’t do is neither here nor there.

What happens is you pay a fee and get paid to recruit others who do the same. In MLM this is a pyramid scheme.

If nobody buys it, I still have the product which actually gives me a USE therefore no snowball/pyramid.

Every product-based pyramid scheme has an attached product or service. It doesn’t make USI-Tech any less of a pyramid scheme.

USI is only paying out 5 days and keeping 2 days profits for them to pay the MLM part of it and for the company.

And there’s proof any such trading directly correlates to affiliate ROI payouts?

Claro que não. Smoke and mirrors all the way.

People who can legitimately and consistently generate a 1% daily ROI don’t waste their time with Ponzi/pyramid schemes.

Can someone explain why all the Equity Balances are always less than the initial deposits.

The Floating P/L are growing daily, which means if people decided to close their accounts, most would be in a loss.

USI-Tech isn’t registered with the DED in Dubai. The Dubai registration number on their website is fictitious!

DED is the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. A company must register with the DED to conduct business in Dubai. A company must fill out an application and then receives a registration number.

The DED website holds all the information of every company in Dubai and is free to search. USI-Tech doesn’t exist in there database. If USI-Tech is working now, it won’t for long, the company can take all the money they have received and disappear with no authority to answer to.

Look it up yourself at the DED link below. Input their registration number or company name. Not there!

From USI’s website:

Company Name: United Software Intelligence – USI TECH Company Registered: Dubai, UAE.

Registered Name: USI – Tech Ltd.

Registration No: ICC20160282

One of the owners of USI-Tech, JOÃO FILIPE FERNANDES SEVERINO has a lifetime ban from banking in Portugal.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my… you have always been correct in the past.

I was imagining USI-TECH would not show up here.. I AM meeting with the CEO (Owner Horst Jicha) here in a couple of weeks. will have many questions..

I successfully trade the stock market with a KNOW you can earn 5% per month..I Know that the Forex is super..tough..however..

I did purchase the platform, and will start trading soon. I have seen 6 months worth of positive trades.

The crypto world is a wild wild west..thanks..I believe in USI-TECH….lets learn together..

Also..I know they have engaged with Kevin Thompson..MLM compliant in US and Canada.

The owners of USI-Tech were made aware that their registration number in Dubai is a fiction. They then responded that USI-Tech is actually registered in Ras al-Khaima. That is more BS. They explained Dubai is where their “corporate headquarters” está localizado.

USI-Tech’s “corporate headquarters” in Dubai would also need to be registered there to conduct business in that country. Plus, only a PO Box is listed for their address, no physical “corporate” endereço.

Look it up yourself at the Ras al-Khaimah government website links below.

Registered: Dubai, UAE.

Registered Name: USI – Tech Ltd.

Registration No: ICC20160282

I know they have engaged with Kevin Thompson..MLM compliant in US and Canada.

You can’t make pyramid recruitment compliant.

USI Tech is not a current client.

I used to think Oz was full of it when he was calling out Zeek of which I was involved, Turns out he was right.

Some one is trying to get me involved in this and again I believe Oz is right again. I believe I will just let my bit coins grow on their own as I know they are legit.

Thanks Oz for keeping me away from this one.

Well The Attorney Answering blows that argument right out of the window.

Great day…Yes…Kevin Thompson “USI Tech is not a current client.”

Not a current Client. You don’t keep Mr. Kevin Thompson on retainer. You ask and pay for his advise, make any necessary changes…ask, and pay for his advise..make changes.. Do what ever you are comfortable with..

I contacted Kevin Thompson directly and he confirmed USI are a former client.

Thank you Moonboot…are you joining us in Vegas on the 26th?

Madoff was a client of Ira Sorkin. What point are you guys trying to make here?

Kevin Thompson couldn’t figure out USI-Tech isn’t registered to conduct business anywhere.

Our point is, USI-TECH is obtaining a credible and respect attorney in MLM to be sure our company is totally compliant.

I contacted Kevin Thompson myself and he declared he has NEVER done ANY work with USI - TECH..period..

Dear Sterling.. I KNOW for a fact, he has…thank you.. I guess we can wait until Kevin Thompson shares or not..more details with us.

I will no longer comment on this.. thank you..

USI Tech is a FORMER client. Yes, I have done work for them. They’re no longer a client.

So we can assume Sterling never contacted you.

Between that, some of the other claims made lately and multiple usernames… I think it’s time for the spambin.

USI-TECH is obtaining a credible and respect attorney in MLM to be sure our company is totally compliant.

That’s nice… but the fact remains you can’t make a pyramid scheme compliant.

Elta Rahim is/was a JetCoin affiliate which has all but collapsed.

If USI-Tech is as good as he claims it to be why would Mr. Rahim bother promoting other Ponzi/pyramid schemes on his Twitter feed?

My goodness. I am a woman. As a published Author, speaker, retired therapist, I have done nothing to be ashamed of. Feel free to google me and get your facts straight..

I have been gullible thinking that Scott Chandler and Brent Robinson where good men. I was wrong, as where thousands of others. We are in the process of suing and will work toward returning everyone in our jetcoin teams, seed money back.

I continue to learn about USI-TECH. Meeting with the CEO soon… So far..I am just posting the facts . This will also be my last comment on this attack.

Perhaps instead of getting to know the people running scams, you should take a look at their respective business models.

JetCoin was a Ponzi scheme regardless of who was running it.

USI-Tech is a pyramid scheme, again regardless of who the CEO is.

Any company who have got Sharon James and Mark Ghobril as respected Leaders have to be Suspect. who in there right minds would have these idiots has leaders?

there is no proof of bitcoin trading what so ever.

Add Frank Calabro Jr to the Ponzi pimp list. His plan is for USI-Tech to make him a Bitcoin millionaire by “dominating this Bitcoin arena space”.

Some Other Guy who was involved with ufun maps tm and now this Adrian Hibbert.

I think is his name posting about withdrawing bitcoin regularly also i think he still owes Zeek Receiver 84.000 dollars.

USI Tech is obviously a scam, and will obviously collapse sooner or later.. but in the mean time, why has nobody closed this site down, and saved all the foolish people who are about to lose their life savings.

Elta Rahim, If you had done any serious due diligence, you wouldn’t have had to talk to anyone about Jetcoin to know it was a Ponzi. Every admin and people behind their Ponzi’s are liars. EVERYONE.

All you had to do was Google the names of the major promoters of Jetcoin to see all their prior Ponzi’s they promoted for you to realize they had no clue what they were talking about, and have zero knowledge of what is real and what is not real.

It makes no difference what your credentials are, you promoted a Ponzi, and yes by doing so you were doing something wrong despite your claims.

I do want to applaud you for going after the people and Jetcoin with the aim of paying back their initial money invested. I wish you all the best in that endeavor.

What you have to understand is that there wouldn’t have been thousands that lost their money in Jetcoin had any of those thousands of people did real due diligence, as well as listened to those of us who know what a Ponzi is when we were warning everyone not to join.

But then all of you bought the lie that we were just “Haters” mantra trotted out in every Ponzi.

My hope is that before you get any deeper in this Ponzi, that you do some real due diligence and get out before you have to repeat your experience with Jetcoin.

If you don’t, you will regret it. Whether or not you want to admit it, you are the perfect target for Ponzi’s to prey on, and they are really, really, really good at what they do, and smarter than you. And you are gullible for believing anything they have to say.

My goodness. I am a woman. As a published Author, speaker, retired therapist…

I continue to learn about USI-TECH. Meeting with the CEO soon… So far..I am just posting the facts . This will also be my last comment on this attack.

Well what do you know, yesterday on her FB, Elta became an “entrepreneur”. ROTFL.

Guess she needs to add bonafide scammer to the list above. And, stop giving women a bad name.

Career scammer Ryan Conley just joined USI-Tech. He’s running late getting in the game; but, he thinks “forced matrices are sexy in the crypto space”.

Career scammer Ryan Conley just joined USI-Tech.

That dude has even got his very own thread on realscam.

Entrepreneur is a person who gives up their 40-hour a week job to work 80-hours a week for 1/3 the money and denigrates people having a job.

Elta is a published author, but doesn’t know the difference between “where” and “were”.

This is the next scam I want to see go under due to the all the major scamming pimps that are currently involved!

USI-Tech isn’t registered with the DED in Dubai. The Dubai registration number on their website is fictitious!

In the interests of accuracy, the website says the headquarters are in Dubai (UAE). It does not say the company is registered in Dubai.

The company is actually registered in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.

In the interests of accuracy, USI TECH LIMITED is not registered in Ras al-Khaimah.

Look it up yourself at the Ras al-Khaimah government website links below.

Registered: Dubai, UAE.

Registered Name: USI TECH LIMITED.

Registration No: ICC20160282

A friend of mine keeps asking many leaders and promoters about how they can sustain 1% plus the matrix commissions. She just keeps being told all will be made clearer in 2-3 weeks. CEO’s are going to be giving a lot of transparency.

10 weeks have since passed. Adding more money to the pot i guess…

USI-TECH pays out 5.7% per month..1% return of capital plus profit.

Elta, they have been asked to provide proof so many times. Its surprising that they wont supply this..

Maybe they are trying to drag it out until the Mallorca event. To get people to pump money in to qualify.

Everyone is buzzing right now because one of the leaders/founders of the BTCpacks got his car. Or is this just a ploy for more people to build build build without withdrawing?

Yes..proof is important. I do have daily package reports…don’t want to share anything that would be considered enticement..

12 0.28553 BTC 16 0.04176 BTC 14.63 happy to email. if this helps..Many leaders suggest a 40/60 split..80/20.

I understand this is just numbers in the backoffice, which does not mean anything. Its a bit like one coiners thinking they are millionaires because their back office says so.

So really, you have no proof where this money is coming from…

So really, you have no proof where this money is coming from…

The only verifiable source of revenue is affiliate investment.

2 plus 2 doesn’t equal 5.

Oz, you are such a tool. You think that mlm is the same as a pyramid scheme? A pyramid scheme is by definition a scam. It’s the same as a ponzi. But mlm simply means multi level marketing. Herbalife does multi level marketing too and you don’t see them being rolled up by the sec.

All ponzis/pyramids are mlm, but not all mlm is a ponzi/pyramid.

Usi is the only one out there that actually has a working product. Their forex software makes money on auto pilot. This makes it credible that they’re actually doing bitcoin trading behind the curtains.

And to those who think usi isn’t even an actual company… they have given out their business registration a long time ago. Here’s a copy for ya:

Sorry, I missed the part where you explained how an MLM company paying recruitment commissions wasn’t a pyramid scheme.

Herbalife settled with the FTC over pyramid scheme allegations. They didn’t want to take the matter to court because they knew they were guilty.

So instead Herbalife agreed to stop running a pyramid scheme in the US and change their compensation plan.

And what does a potato quality image of a UAE incorporation demonstrate? Certainly nothing relevant.

Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.

Errado. The original Charles Ponzi scheme has no levels. Everybody gave money to just Charles Ponzi himself for investment. Heck, there were no levels in Madoff Ponzi either.

Stop making assertions when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

In a ponzi mlm, the only income comes from new signups.

In a non-ponzi mlm, the income comes from signups as well as actual value creation.

In usi’s case, this would be trading/mining. Their working forex software is proof of the fact that they’ve got something going on under the hood.

If you’re going to call me out on something incorrect, call me out correctly. After doing some research, I found that ponzis and pyramids are two different things.

You didn’t call me out on that. That makes you the one who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Modern day ponzis/pyramids are all mlm, because it works so well. Your argument might be correct, but it is also irrelevant.

The word “Ponzi” doesn’t appear anywhere in the review.

USI-Tech is a pyramid scheme with an irrelevant service offering.

With respect to the service offering, you have no proof whatsoever that any trading/mining is taking place. The only verifiable source of revenue is affiliate investment.

Strictly speaking MLM wise USI-Tech is a pyramid scheme but there’s potential for Ponzi fraud with the automated service.

Harry Smiles : After doing some research, I found that ponzis and pyramids are two different things.

You didn’t call me out on that.

That wasn’t your mistake. Your mistake was asserting that “ponzi/pyramids are mlm”. I merely called out ONE reason on WHY that statement is incorrect. You manage to find out a different reason for yourself.

In fact, you missed the most IMPORTANT mistake… MLM can be legal. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are scams and already illegal.

Furthermore, you just admitted you did not know what you’re talking about, by admitting you did not even know ponzi and pyramid schemes are separate schemes when you first spoke up.

You still don’t, and you can’t even argue coherently due to lack of information. At least you admit your mistakes, but you immediately try to pin it on me, even though it wasn’t my job to point out ALL of your mistakes.

Are you a customer of USI, or an affiliate who is also a customer? And are you new to the MLM world?

I’m just curious how is the company is making money from recruits when signing up is free and you must have bitcoin to get involved? You’re not actually paying the company cash, you get in with bitcoin from my understanding.

“In fact, you missed the most IMPORTANT mistake… MLM can be legal. Ponzi and pyramid schemes are scams and already illegal.”

Actually, this is precisely what I explained to Oz.

“Are you a customer of USI, or an affiliate who is also a customer? And are you new to the MLM world?”

Cliente. And yes.

You’re obviously having reading comprehension problems, since Oz already explained in the review that USI is not MLM.

If you want to debate his reasons, then do so, instead of trying to debate fundamental definitions.

A pyramid scheme can have a legal product. But, it if gets more of it’s revenue from recruitment than it does from the product then it’s illegal. So this one is prolly shit and a scam.

Not all multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan.

If the money you make is based on the number of people you recruit and your sales to them, it’s probably not. It could be a pyramid scheme.

Pyramid schemes are illegal, and the vast majority of participants lose money.

I’m just curious how is the company is making money from recruits when signing up is free.

600 EUR is not free, regardless of whether the equivalent is paid in bitcoin or another currency.

Great day…To join USI there is NO cost. To purchase the Forex it is a one time cost of 600 EUR..Blessings and Bitcoins.

To join USI there is NO cost. To purchase the Forex it is a one time cost of 600 EUR..

Know any affiliates who didn’t spend 600 EUR?

I do…it is the usual 80/20 rule.. A few people doing a lot most doing a little..Folks building a team..they purchase the Forex…80%, at this time do not..JUST based on my little team.. USI-TECH is wanting to educate folks about diversifying their money..

We are launching in the US on Aug 26th…Again.. Meeting with the CEO on Tue in Las Vegas…any questions?

P. S. I have been trading the stock market for 5 years. The platform is 4K a year..and 125 per month. Pretty happy spending a one time 700USD..Blessings and Bitcoins.

We are quite comfortable that Kevin, (and attorney in the UK) will do what ever is necessary to be complaint..

Zero retail and 80% of affiliates providing company revenue is pyramid scheme territory.

I’d ask for evidence of forex taking place but you and I both know you can’t provide any.

Hm…not sure I was clear…20% purchase the Forex…we can provide trades…just go to fxblue.

also…many many live trades on YouTube.. youtube/watch? v=G-U_oCfCf7A&t=44s.

I do read your info..and have for years. I know you are smart men..keep looken..thanks…Bitcoins and Blessings…nitenite for me.

None of that ties specific trading revenue with passive affiliate ROIs.

Anyone can create a forex account and put up YouTube videos. Only forensic accounting can provide correlation between affiliate ROIs and trading.

To date not one MLM forex company ever has provided any such accounting.

There’s a reason for that…

You’re obviously having reading comprehension problems, since Oz already explained in the review that USI is not MLM.

If you want to debate his reasons, then do so, instead of trying to debate fundamental definitions.”

No. I commented specifically to point out to Oz was fucking up his definitions. And USI is most definitely MLM. It’s even being reviewed on a website called ‘behindmlm’. The post is categorized in ‘mlm reviews’. So yeah… definitions.

Know any affiliates who didn’t spend 600 EUR?

Sim, eu. And only 1 of my.

But whether or not these cock suckers are the real deal, wholly depends on whether they are actually trading bitcoin like they fucking say they are. But how would they prove it? Everything can be faked this day and age.

All the scam cryers are using incorrect information. All the defenders are instantly personally insulting people and not producting arguments or additional info.

Especially that little prick zach currin, who likes to flurry all over the web like a social butterfly, and call people names when they call out his precious opportunity for a scam.

So everybody sucks in one way or the other. Especially usi themselves. Instead of posting all the info you’d need on their website, they let people piece it all together from youtube videos posted by guys high up in the line. Support fucking sucks. The big boys who run the supportive facebook groups will silence you when you ask critical questions.

Sim, eu. And only 1 of my.

So you recruited 79 affiliates who each didn’t spend 600 EUR?

That’s some pretty terrible odds, even for a pyramid scheme.

Great day…when the US launches on Aug 26th…we will have our new website with all the answers you need. Blessings and Bitcoins.

So you recruited 79 affiliates who each didn’t spend 600 EUR?

That’s some pretty terrible odds, even for a pyramid scheme.

The 600 EUR license is not necessary for having active btc packages. They’ve done away with the license as a requirement for packages months ago.

Hardly anybody is interested in the forex side, since the btc packages are much more lucrative.

Your info is outdated and your focus is therefore incorrect. Like I said, the scam cryers are using incorrect facts and refuse to get with the times.

Great day…when the US launches on Aug 26th…we will have our new website with all the answers you need. Blessings and Bitcoins.

Brainwashed hogwash. You’re not part of the family. You’re not a co-owner. You’re a believer, posing as a mysterious authority who knows something that others do not.

They haven’t been able to fix their fucking website in months. They just updated and gave urls to pdfs for us to read. The urls didn’t work. Nothing ever fucking works with those cock suckers.

Harry Smiles : The post is categorized in ‘mlm reviews’. So yeah… definitions.

Nope, it is a self-proclaimed MLM that operates as a pyramid scheme due to pay-to-recruit.

Thanks for proving your failure in reading comprehension.

I googled “what is mlm” and got this.

MLM is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Sep 27, 2012.

Not that I give a fuck about your definitions or your opinion of me. Do you think this is the real me you’re talking to?

Might as well be nice, because you and I both just want to be happy with our lives, now don’t we?

Thank you all for Educating us on this mlm and crypto currencies, but a lot of guys dismissed bitcoin as dead on arrival, but look at how it is now the benchmark for the cryptos.

I have taken the chance of registering with ccbmlm but I wont drop a dime of my hard earned money now or anytime, once again thank you.

And I doubt there will be many Nigerians that will drop their money now or at any time, there was this mlm called mmm that scammed a lot of money from poor Nigerians, they havent recovered.

So they ditched the forex platform nobody was using and now y’all just investing bitcoin on the promise of a passive ROI?

Same as all the other crypto Ponzi schemes doing the rounds then.

Jbonano : here was this mlm called mmm that scammed a lot of money from poor Nigerians, they havent recovered.

I heard that it is still going strong by people promoting on facebook as we speak.

I guess they will never learn.

USI-TECH is wanting to educate folks about diversifying their money..

Many people are using the Forex. Not everyone has the 700 USD to purchase the Forex, or the 1,200 to start trading. The BTC packages are a good fit for just about anyone. Blessings and Bitcoins.

Many people are using the Forex.

Please don’t make assertions you cannot back up with evidence. I’m going to start marking BS marketing claims as spam.

All USI-Tech did was switch out “forex” for “bitcoin trading”, otherwise it’s the same Ponzi scam.

If they could have gotten rid of the 600 EUR offering without pissing off their existing investors, they no doubt would have.

Harry Smiles : Do you think this is the real me you’re talking to?

Who’d want to put on a stupid avatar, except for comedic purposes as the butt of the joke?

But we’re drifting way off topic. Feel free to Google “koscot test”, which defines what is a pyramid scheme, to further your education.

Who’d want to put on a stupid avatar, except for comedic purposes as the butt of the joke?

I’m using a fake email addy and couldn’t give a fuck about my avatar.

But we’re drifting way off topic. Feel free to Google “koscot test”, which defines what is a pyramid scheme, to further your education.

You think I give a shit whether usi counts as a mlm, pyramid or ponzi?

I only care about making some goddamn money so I can live my goddamn life.

Please don’t make assertions you cannot back up with evidence. I’m going to start marking BS marketing claims as spam.

Some trusted friends of mine, who are also critical of usi, are telling me they are running usi-tech’s forex software and it actually works.

If they could have gotten rid of the 600 EUR offering without pissing off their existing investors, they no doubt would have.

They’ve gotten rid of the 600 eur investment as a requirement to get started a few months ago.

Harry Smiles : Some trusted friends of mine, who are also critical of usi, are telling me they are running usi-tech’s forex software and it actually works.

I haven’t come across any claim in the review or comments I’ve read that the software doesn’t work.

If, as the review mentioned, this is the software: metatrader4/en.

I’d guess that the software does work.

Whether the MT4 developers are okay with their software, or some adaptation of it, being used to front a pyramid scheme is an entirely different matter.

I tried to access the usi-tech website to verify some of the info provided in various comments.

Neither firefox, chrome or edge let me connect to the site, with each stating that the site was “insecure”.

Maybe this is, for whatever reason, happening only to me.

I see no reason to doubt the accuracy of OZ’s statement that “USI-Tech’s MLM offering is straight pyramid recruitment.”.

They’ve gotten rid of the 600 eur investment as a requirement to get started a few months ago.

Not if you want to “get started” in the MLM opportunity, which is what was reviewed here.

The 600 euro fee is still a requirement if you want to be a part of the forex trading side of this. You don’t need to pay the 600 euro fee if all you want to do is be in the btc trading side.

I’m not a member of either one, as this looks very fishy to me.

I tried to access the usi-tech website to verify some of the info provided in various comments.

Neither firefox, chrome or edge let me connect to the site, with each stating that the site was “insecure”.

They’re having site troubles all the time.

I see no reason to doubt the accuracy of OZ’s statement that “USI-Tech’s MLM offering is straight pyramid recruitment.”

Oh, so it’s an mlm again.

Not if you want to “get started” in the MLM opportunity, which is what was reviewed here.

So the side of usi that actually fucking works is an mlm scam and that’s all you care about?

The btc packages are good to go then? 😛

So the side of usi that actually fucking works is an mlm scam and that’s all you care about?

The whole company is an MLM opportunity. I don’t selectively review bits and pieces of the comp plan.

How you interact with a Ponzi/pyramid scheme is neither here nor there.

Kasey said this:

Nope, it is a self-proclaimed MLM that operates as a pyramid scheme due to pay-to-recruit.

So what is it, an mlm or not?

Any company that uses an MLM compensation plan is an MLM company.

Not all MLM companies have legitimate business models.

The BTC packages are a good fit for just about anyone. Blessings and Bitcoins.

Talking like a baddie in The Handmaid’s Tale = instant scam red flag. Blessed be the Ponzi fruit. Under his USI.

Whether you personally choose to recruit and get paid or not is irrelevant to the fact that the only way to make money in USI-Tech is to recruit affiliates….

This is not the only way to make money with usi.

Let’s clear something up for all of you especially OZ, A ponzi scheem is one that does not have a product or service (Ozedit: False, ref: Zeek Rewards (penny auction bids) and TelexFree (VOIP)).

The 2000s called, they want their pseudo-compliance back.

@Peter. Ask them to show you proof of the ‘PRODUCT/SERVICE” how you get 1% daily? If they don’t show you, shall we agree its a ponzi as per YOUR statement.

USI-TECH pays out 5.7% per month..1% return of capital plus profit.

So reading through all this, which has been interesting to say the least.

I think the part that needs to be highlighted is the difference between return on capital and interest.

A couple of posts say 5% is achievable. And if you do the math they are saying you make 5.7% a month (40% over 6 months)

Donate these claims really that bold? Absolutamente não.

The product is the BTC package, and I am guessing the runtime of the package is to allow to time to recover the amount of commisions paid on referral and to also achieve the numbers they claim to the paying customers.

Offering ROIs to US residents? Need to register with the SEC.

USI-Tech is not registered with the SEC.

Paying affiliates to recruit new affiliates in MLM? Pyramid scheme.

They dont use the word ROI, they use the word ROC. Investment is never writen or mentioned.

USI-Tech can use whatever pseudo-compliance verbiage they want.

If it looks like a ROI, swims like a ROI, and quacks like a ROI, then it probably is a ROI.

They dont use the word ROI, they use the word ROC. Investment is never writen or mentioned.

In the words of William Shakespeare:

“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet;”

Jason Buckton : the difference between return on capital and interest.

Did you bother to look up the actual definition?

Return on Capital (ROC), also known as return on invested capital (ROIC), is a ratio used in finance, valuation, and accounting. & # 8212; Wikipédia.

It’s defined as (NetProfit-Taxes)/InvestedCapital.

So it is an investment. You’ve been razzle-dazzled with equivocation.

A couple of posts say 5% is achievable. And if you do the math they are saying you make 5.7% a month (40% over 6 months)

Donate these claims really that bold? Absolutamente não.

Returns of 94% per annum aren’t “too bold”. When the US base interest rate is 1% per annum and a realistic return on stockmarket investments would be considered around 4% per annum over inflation. Of course they’re not.

Blessed be the Bitcoins.

Know any affiliates who didn’t spend 600 EUR?

Me. I joined for free. I shared the idea to a friend, and he bought 1 Bitcoin Pack (50 Euros). I earned 10% of his purchase.

Initially, there’s a mandatory 600-Euros purchase of software, but later, it was lifted. People can now join for free.

I hope this helps you and your band of negative thinkers see why USI-Tech is not a pyramid scheme, because in pyramid schemes, you can’t join the company for free.

Me. I joined for free. I shared the idea to a friend, and he bought 1 Bitcoin Pack.

Bitcoin packs didn’t exist when I wrote this review. You’re talking about USI-Tech 2.0, the bitcoin Ponzi scheme.

Separate review and fail on your part.

in pyramid schemes, you can’t join the company for free.

Recruiting people into a pyramid scheme and using pyramid commissions to fund your own involvement is not “free”. The people you are scamming are paying.

Someone always pays in a pyramid scheme, otherwise scammers such as yourself wouldn’t have anyone to steal from.

It seems since they started dealing with bitcoin everybody’s just going for that and not paying 600 to use their forex robot.

What I want to know before getting involved is whether they’re actually trading bitcoin.

Seems there’s no way to find that out for sure..

Seems there’s no way to find that out for sure..

Oh there is. Any company legitimately generating revenue through bitcoin trading would be able to product audited reports tying trading to ROI revenue.

USI-Tech and the rest of them are just running Ponzi schemes. The offering of an unregistered security in the US should also be of concern.

Joao Severino IS NOT Longer a partner. He has been bought out.

So the Attorney Opinion letter holds no water for you.

OK…loving our ICO now, as well. Blessings..

So the Attorney Opinion letter holds no water for you.

Não. Attorneys signed off on both TelexFree and Zeek Rewards.

Attorney opinions of Ponzi schemes are written on toilet paper. They in no way supersede the definition of a Ponzi scheme or the SEC’s regulation of them.

What I want to know before getting involved is whether they’re actually trading bitcoin.

What you should want to know is that known scammers are heavily involved with this.

That recruitment based opportunities like this have a pathetic history of being Ponzi schemes.

That the product/service is irrelevant. It only serves to misdirect you and disguise the scheme. Don’t fall for that trap!

So the Attorney Opinion letter holds no water for you.

50% of attorneys are always wrong. Every side in a lawsuit or criminal case gets an attorney, and both of them can’t be right. Praise be.

An attorney will provide any opinion you ask them to, if you pay them enough. Unfortunately for you, brother Elta, it’s the judge that decides.

Blessed be the Bitcoins.

Again…a girl (Elta Rahim)… I work with Lawyers in USI and they assure me they would NOT be in this business, if it where not real… give it some time.. or not.. blessings and bitcoins..

I work with Lawyers in USI and they assure me they would NOT be in this business, if it where not real…

Apologies, sister Elta, though as your name is an anagram of “Me The Liar” you can’t expect people to draw many conclusions from it anyway. Praise be.

Were you expecting USI’s “lawyers” to say “We’d quite happily work for this business even if it was a scam, which it is”? All glory to the Hammer of Thor.

Elta Rahim? The Las Vegas region kook? The one involved with ‘Ashtar Command’ and tinfoil hats?

Deixe uma resposta.


Jack: "On their ICO website it says the founder was born in 1963 and has been a financial. " Jack: "All “lending coins” have failed and then what happens? More of these failed. " Oz: "It’s linked in the article, the Gaming Board sent Lyoness a notice ordering it to. " Anti FxUnited: "For victims who intend to make police reports regardless in Malaysia, Singapore. " Jim: "@I don’t know about scrams but Ponzi schemes like Vortex Profits are most definitely. "

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