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Riba, Leasing de carro, seguro & amp; a Bolsa de Valores.
Riba, Leasing de carro, seguro & amp; a Bolsa de Valores.
“Oh, você que acreditou, teme a Allah e desiste do que permanece [devido a você] de interesse, se você for crente.
E se você não fizer isso, então ser informado de uma guerra [contra você] de Allah e Seu Mensageiro. Mas se você se arrepender, você pode ter seu principal & # 8211; [assim] você não faz mal, nem você está errado. “
Este é um artigo de um dos assuntos mais difíceis de acordo com estudiosos islâmicos, passado e presente. Eu discuti os seguintes aspectos do Riba (Interest, Usury) neste blog:
Definição e explicação de Riba Proibição de Riba em Livros Sagrados & amp; Provérbios dos Profetas (PBUT) Tipos de Riba Decisão sobre Leasing de Carro / Casa Vistas de diferentes Eruditos Islâmicos & amp; razões para as diferenças entre eles neste aspecto decisão islâmica sobre Seguros, Bolsa de Valores, Cartões de Crédito etc.
"Um acréscimo ou aumento de uma coisa sobre o seu tamanho ou quantidade" ou.
Na terminologia do Alcorão Sagrado,
"Aumentar (lucro) à custa da riqueza de outros"
(Alcorão Sagrado, 30: 39)
"Consumir riqueza da humanidade através de meios falsos e errados (baatil)
(Alcorão Sagrado, 4: 161)
'Aumento de capital, às custas da riqueza de outros, através de meios falsos & amp; errado'
«Qualquer acréscimo ilegal, a título de juros, a uma quantia em dinheiro ou a bens emprestados por uma pessoa ou grupo de pessoas a outra»
Isto é independente da taxa de juros & amp; a motivação envolvida.
Às vezes é difícil reconhecer a Riba porque ela é muitas vezes disfarçada de roubo legalizado.
Riba não é negócio. Riba é Haram (proibido) enquanto o negócio é Halal (permitido).
Deve haver elemento de risco, de lucro ou perda, em um & free; mercado justo.
Em Riba, este mercado livre e justo é ignorado sem nenhum elemento de risco, sem perdas & amp; só lucro pode ocorrer.
Mas tal mercado, onde não há chance de perda, não pode ser um livre & amp; mercado justo para todos.
Advertências estritas no Alcorão Sagrado & amp; Hadith sobre Riba.
Proibição de Riba na Santa Torá.
"Não cobra juros para o companheiro israelita quando você lhe empresta dinheiro, dinheiro ou qualquer outra coisa ...
(Deuteronômio 23:19)
Esta inibição na Torá foi confirmada no Alcorão Sagrado:
Por injustiça da parte dos Judeus, Nós tornamos ilegais para eles [certos] bons alimentos que lhes eram lícitos, e para o seu afastamento do caminho de Allah muitos [pessoas],
E [para] sua tomada de usura, enquanto eles foram proibidos, e seu consumo da riqueza do povo injustamente. E nós preparamos para os descrentes entre eles um castigo doloroso. & # 8221;
Proibição de Riba na Bíblia Sagrada.
Mesmo Jesus (AS), que é dito para ser o mais "suave de fala" (disse para dar a outra face), não deixou de ir os cambistas que estavam envolvidos em Riba & amp; estava extremamente irritado com eles:
“E Jesus (AS) entrou no templo de Deus e expulsou todos os que vendiam e compravam no templo, e derrubou as mesas dos cambistas (que roubavam ilegalmente as pessoas).
(Evangelho de São Mateus 21: 12-3)
Proibição de Riba em Zaboor (Salmos) do Profeta Davi (Dawood AS)
"Senhor, quem pode permanecer em sua tenda?
Quem pode morar na sua montanha?
….Quem mantém um juramento apesar do custo, que não empresta dinheiro com juros e não aceita suborno contra os inocentes # 8221; (Salmo 15)
Proibição de Riba no Alcorão Sagrado.
Riba foi proibida em etapas no tempo de vida do Profeta (PECE) através de vários versículos do Alcorão Sagrado (como a proibição do álcool)
"E o homem não pode ganhar nada, EXCETO o que ele procura" (Alcorão 53: 39)
"Ai daqueles que lidam com fraude; aqueles que, quando têm que receber por medida dos homens, exigem medida plena; mas quando eles têm que dar por medida ou peso aos homens, dê menos do que o devido ... Eles não acham que serão chamados a prestar contas (por seu roubo)?
(Alcorão Sagrado 81: 1-3)
"E o que você der para aumentar o interesse dentro da riqueza das pessoas não aumentará com Allah. Mas o que você dá em zakah, desejando o semblante de Allah & # 8211; esses são os multiplicadores. & # 8221; (Alcorão Sagrado 30: 39)
"E não consumam a riqueza uns dos outros injustamente ou enviem-na [em suborno] aos governantes a fim de que [eles possam ajudar] você a consumir uma porção da riqueza do povo em pecado," enquanto você sabe [isto é ilegal]. & # 8221; (Alcorão Sagrado 2: 188)
"Ó você, que acreditou, não consuma usura, duplique e multiplique, mas tema a Allah para que você seja bem sucedido. & # 8221; (Alcorão Sagrado 3: 130)
"Aqueles que consomem juros não podem permanecer [no Dia da Ressurreição] exceto como alguém que está sendo espancado por Satanás na insanidade. Isso é porque eles dizem: "O comércio é [apenas] como o interesse. & # 8221;
Mas Allah permitiu o comércio e proibiu o interesse. Assim, quem recebeu uma admoestação de seu Senhor e desista, pode ter o que é passado, e seu caso repousa em Allah. Mas quem volta a [lidar com juros ou usura] & # 8211; esses são os companheiros do fogo; eles permanecerão eternamente nela.
Allah destrói juros e dá aumento para instituições de caridade. E Allah não gosta de todo incrédulo pecador. & # 8221; (Alcorão Sagrado 2: 275-76)
"Ó você, que acreditou, teme a Allah e desiste do que permanece [devido a você] de interesse, se você for crente.
E se você não fizer isso, então ser informado de uma guerra [contra você] de Allah e Seu Mensageiro. Mas se você se arrepender, você pode ter seu principal & # 8211; [assim] você não faz nada de errado, nem você está sendo ofendido. & # 8221; (Alcorão Sagrado 2: 278-279)
Que aviso estrito no final! A declaração de guerra de Allah contra os seguidores de Riba é de longe a língua mais forte usada no Alcorão contra os pecadores. Os crentes também são obrigados a declarar guerra para erradicar a riba de qualquer sociedade e de qualquer território cujas pessoas oprimidas clamavam por ajuda.
E infelizmente nosso governo vem travando guerra contra Allah e seu Profeta (PBUH) há muito tempo:
Proibição de Riba em Ahadith.
‘Hazrat Abu Huraira disse que o Mensageiro de Allah disse: Riba é de setenta tipos diferentes, o menos grave sendo equivalente a um homem (isto é, tendo relações íntimas com) se casando com sua própria mãe.’
(Ibn Majah, Baihaqi)
“Hazrat Ibn Masud relatou o mensageiro de Allah dizendo: Mesmo que riba seja muito, isso leva ao fim à penúria, pobreza extrema, miséria. “(Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Baihaqi)
Este ponto foi mencionado que a riba leva as pessoas pobres a se tornarem mais pobres.
“Hazrat Abdullah ibn Hanzala relatou que o Profeta (PECE) disse: Um dirham de riba que um homem recebe conscientemente é pior do que cometer adultério trinta e seis vezes” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah)
“O Profeta (PBUH) amaldiçoou aquele que aceita a riba, aquele que dá a riba, aquele que registra a transação & amp; as duas testemunhas disso. Ele disse: Eles são todos igualmente culpados. ”(Muslim)
Essa é a base para a qual os estudiosos dizem que trabalhar em um banco não é permitido, nem mesmo como guarda.
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas (ua) (RA) narra que o Mensageiro de Allah (PECE) disse:
& # 8220; Interesse, se aumenta, então a sua punição se move para escassez (pobreza) & # 8221;
O Islã acredita em um mercado livre e justo:
Por um free & amp; mercado justo a ser estabelecido, são necessários os seguintes:
Liberdade de acesso ao mercado Liberdade de concorrência no mercado Liberdade de mercado para determinar seus próprios preços (ou seja, não deve haver preços fixos) Liberdade de produzir qualquer coisa para o mercado (deve ser Halal) Liberdade para comprar & amp; vender qualquer coisa Halal no mercado Proibição de roubar e enganar, e. itens com menos peso para venda Se não houver mercado livre e justo, isso levará a prejuízos no terreno devido à Riba, que resultará do fato de o mercado ser injusto.
Resta aos estudiosos do Islã usar interferência & amp; analogia para localizar outras formas de riba não identificadas pelo Profeta (PECE) e que talvez ainda não tenham aparecido no mundo na época do Profeta, mas que agora apareceram, particularmente nesta era maligna.
A seguir estão alguns dos principais tipos de Riba predominantes hoje:
1. Emprestando dinheiro em juros (Riba al Fadl)
O Alcorão Sagrado descreve uma forma de riba como aumento indevido, ou seja, quando a taxa de pagamento de juros duplica & amp; triplica a soma principal emprestada (Alcorão Sagrado 3: 130)
A Riba inclui qualquer benefício material que seja, além do montante de capital emprestado, que um credor pode derivar de um tomador de empréstimo).
Os bancos não emprestam dinheiro para bênçãos ou Sawab (recompensa de Allah).
Assim, os juros ganhos nos tipos MAIORES de contas de poupança são Haram, porque isso é Riba.
Aumento do preço de um item no pagamento diferido (Riba Al-Nasiah)
“Hazrat Usama bin Ziad (RA) narrou: O Profeta (PECE) disse: não há riba exceto em nasi'ah (espera).” (Bukhari)
Esta foi a forma mais comum de riba em Meca. O princípio envolvido era que, se você tivesse que esperar pelo seu dinheiro, você merecia receber uma quantia adicional. Um devedor recebeu uma prorrogação no prazo porque não conseguiu pagar sua dívida a tempo. A quantia devida foi aumentada, no entanto, em consideração pela extensão no tempo.
Assim, os estudiosos que declaram que o interesse é apenas em dinheiro & amp; não em itens são gravemente e ilogicamente equivocados, já que as consequências de ambos os tipos de Riba são igualmente desastrosas para a sociedade.
3. açambarcamento, a fim de capitalizar a escassez resultante artificialmente criada no mercado.
“Hazrat Ma'mar relatou o Profeta (PECE) dizendo: se alguém mantiver bens até o preço subir, ele é um pecador”. (Muçulmano)
Hazrat Umar (RA) relatou o Profeta (PECE) como dizendo: “Aquele que traz bens à venda é abençoado com boa sorte, mas aquele que os mantém até os preços até que os preços subam é amaldiçoado. (Ibn Majah, Darimi).
Açambarcamento resulta em lucro, o que é injusto e que é Riba!
4. Monopólio sobre uma mercadoria que permite o controle injusto sobre o preço dessa mercadoria.
Semelhante ao açambarcamento.
É quando uma pessoa ou empresa etc toma posse (monopólio) de um item importante (por exemplo, trigo, roubo, óleo etc.) e controla ilegalmente / injustamente seu preço, elevando seu preço sempre que julgar adequado, por lucro injusto e que novamente é Riba .
5. Empregar o Deception como a base do lucro injusto; comprometendo assim o livre mercado; isso é conhecido como "gharar"
“Hazrat Abdullah bin Abu Aufa (RA) disse: um homem exibiu alguns bens no mercado e fez um falso juramento de que lhe haviam sido oferecidos tanto por eles, embora não lhe fosse oferecido esse valor. Então o seguinte verso divino foi revelado: "Verdadeiramente! Aqueles que comprarem um pouco de lucro à custa do convênio de Allah e seus juramentos ... terão punição dolorosa (3: 77). Ibn Abu Aufa acrescentou: tal pessoa é um consumidor traiçoeiro da riba. ”(Bukhari)
“Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah disse: Eu ouvi o Profeta (saw) dizer: Se alguém de vocês não deixar mukhbarah, ele deve tomar conhecimento da guerra de Allah & amp; seu mensageiro. Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit disse: Eu perguntei: O que é mukhbarah? Ele respondeu: Que você tem a terra para cultivo por metade, um terço ou um quarto (do produto). ”(Abu Daud)
7. Licitação artificial do preço em um leilão.
8. Operações especulativas:
São transações nas quais se compram bens ou ações etc, antecipando que o preço subiria. Quando isso acontece, um deles vende e faz uma matança (grande lucro). Alternativamente, pode-se vender bens, ações, etc, antecipando que os preços cairiam.
Quando isso acontece, a pessoa compra de volta e obtém um enorme lucro. Tal lucro é injusto. É, na verdade, o jogo.
Transações especulativas baseadas em informações privilegiadas privilegiadas são pura Riba.
Isso é o que acontece principalmente no mercado de bolsa de valores (discutido adiante)
"E o que você dá em Riba" (os presentes), a fim de que possa aumentar a propriedade de outras pessoas, não aumenta em Allah. "(Alcorão 30: 39)
O Mensageiro de Allah (PECE) amaldiçoou aquele que dá um suborno e aquele que o aceita. (Abu Dawood)
“Abu Hurairah (RA) narrou: O Mensageiro de Allah (PBUH) amaldiçoou aquele que suborna e aquele que aceita suborno para julgamento.” (Tirmidhi).
Isso talvez na forma de dinheiro ou presentes para facilitar uma tarefa ilegal.
Riba às vezes toma a forma de um suborno, ou de patronato que é dispensado para ganhar influência ou controle sobre indivíduos e instituições.
Tomemos o exemplo de um enorme prêmio de 500.000 dólares, que é concedido por um governo (Paquistão, Arábia Saudita, etc), a um estudioso do Islã, escolhido pelo governo saudita ou paquistanês.
Depois que o erudito islâmico aceita o prêmio, ele foi preso de fato. Ele e o movimento que ele lidera são neutralizados. Eles não podem participar em qualquer esforço para libertar esse país da influência e controle dos inimigos do Islã & amp; restaurando sua liberdade. Eles podem não ser capazes de aprovar qualquer julgamento islâmico que vá contra o governo. Esta escravatura é riba.
Vivemos agora em uma época em que os governos de todo o mundo estão usando loterias estaduais ou loterias nacionais como um meio de tirar dinheiro das massas. O princípio envolvido no esquema chamado loteria é explorar a ganância e a fantasia na psique humana.
As massas despejam seu dinheiro à medida que a loteria cresce no tamanho do prêmio. Um exemplo aqui é o Prêmio de Obrigações. A fantasia é acariciada quando uma pessoa pobre ou de classe média ganha na loteria e, de repente, fica fabulosamente rica. Todo mundo que agora compra um título de prêmio fantasia que ele ou ela vai ganhar na loteria e da mesma forma se tornar rico.
Tornar-se rico durante a noite raramente é aceitável no Islã (por exemplo, quando se herda uma enorme quantidade de dinheiro) & amp; principalmente constitui Riba.
Este também é essencialmente um tipo de Riba & amp; discutido em detalhes em um blog separado:
Também é ilustrado no exemplo acima.
Suponha que seu pai tenha morrido em 1971 & amp; deixou uma propriedade de 100 moedas de ouro que herdou. E suponha ainda que, desde que você era um bebê, o dinheiro foi guardado com segurança para você.
Vinte e cinco anos depois, em 1996, você pediu seu dinheiro. A caixa em que foi armazenado foi aberta & amp; você recebeu a mesma quantia de 100 moedas de ouro. Seu dinheiro não aumentou nem diminuiu. Permaneceu quase o mesmo. O ouro funcionou com sucesso como dinheiro. Ele conseguiu executar uma das funções mais importantes do dinheiro, ou seja, ser uma reserva de valor. Ele executou fielmente essa função para toda a história humana registrada.
Agora, suponhamos que, em 1971, aqueles a quem foram confiadas as 100 moedas de ouro decidiram convertê-los de dinheiro real em dinheiro artificial. Eles achavam que o papel era uma forma de dinheiro mais apropriada e confiável do que o ouro.
Eles ficaram muito impressionados com a força do dólar americano. E eles confiaram porque o próprio dólar americano proclamou: Em Deus nós confiamos. E assim eles converteram as moedas de ouro (100 onças de ouro) em dólares americanos e obtiveram US $ 3500 em 1971. Eles colocaram o dinheiro fora com muita segurança.
Em 1996 você pediu o seu dinheiro e eles trouxeram os dólares americanos (3500). Você foi ao mercado de ouro e eles lhe deram apenas 8 onças de ouro por essa quantia de dinheiro. Uma grande tragédia ocorreu durante esses 25 anos. 92% de sua riqueza foi perdida. O papel falhou miseravelmente como dinheiro. Não funcionou como um armazenamento confiável de valor.
Sua perda era o ganho de outra pessoa - os cambistas ou banqueiros modernos ou o que você gostaria de chamá-los roubaram você por engano. Isso é riba.
Talvez não haja outro meio pelo qual mais da humanidade seja tocada pela riba hoje do que pelo dinheiro de papel. É através da prevalência universal de papel moeda fraudulento hoje (ou seja, papel moeda), que agora domina a humanidade, que a profecia do Profeta (PECE) sobre Riba agora foi cumprida:
“Hazrat Abu Hurairah relatou que o Sagrado Profeta (saw) disse:“ Chegará o tempo da humanidade quando não restar uma única pessoa que não consuma riba e, se não a consumir, seu vapor (ou alternativamente sua poeira) alcançá-lo.
(Ahmad, Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibn Majah)
Este é um dos sinais do Fim dos Tempos:
Isso como um tipo de riba é discutido adiante.
Quanto interesse constitui a Riba?
Não importa se os juros são pequenos ou grandes (0,001% ou 1000%), ainda seria riba e ainda seria proibido. A esse respeito, a riba é como bebidas alcoólicas. Se o copo contém uma pequena bebida de uísque, ou se lhe foi oferecida uma bebida grande, não faz diferença, ainda seria proibido.
Lógica Econômica Simples de Proibição de Interesse.
Suponha que um novo banco abra e siga as pessoas que depositam suas contas no banco:
10 pessoas ricas 10 milhões de depósito total no banco (1 milhão / pessoa)
50 pessoas médias 5 milhões de depósito total no banco (100.000 / pessoa)
20 pobres 100.000 depósito total no banco (5.000 / pessoa)
20 muito ruim 0 depósito total no banco.
Após 1 ano com taxa de juros de 10%:
10 pessoas ricas 11 milhões de depósito total no banco (1,1 milhão / pessoa)
50 pessoas comuns 5,5 milhões depósito total no banco (1,1 lakh / pessoa)
20 pobres 110.000 depósito total no banco (5. 500 / person)
10 muito ruim 0 depósito total no banco.
Pode-se ver claramente aqui que SOMENTE os ricos se beneficiam enquanto os pobres não se beneficiam de forma alguma.
Este banco pode entrar em inadimplência se não tiver dinheiro suficiente para pagar todas as pessoas, se todas elas exigirem até o final do ano.
O que o banco fará? Reivindicar falência ou… ..
Consiga um empréstimo do Banco do Estado ...
Banco do Estado, por sua vez, pode pedir empréstimo do FMI ou do Banco Mundial, etc.
(Esta é uma versão muito simplificada, mas esta é a principal razão pela qual Bancos Estaduais em todo o mundo têm que imprimir mais dinheiro e obter empréstimos do FMI, do Banco Mundial, etc.) e o ciclo vicioso continua. se pensarmos em todas as pessoas que tomaram empréstimos do banco, mas não conseguiram devolvê-las a tempo por algum motivo ou outro)
Isso levará à inflação…
A pessoa média pode agora tornar-se pobre e os pobres podem agora tornar-se muito pobres….
Somente os ricos da elite se tornaram muito mais ricos (através de juros)!
Envolve a exploração dos economicamente fracos pelas pessoas economicamente ricas.
Violação econômica pelo homem rico do homem pobre.
O credor, mantendo a propriedade total do montante emprestado, permanece contratualmente garantido de ganho, independentemente de quaisquer perdas que o mutuário possa sofrer em consequência da transação.
Empréstimo beneficente versus empréstimo predatório (Riba)
O empréstimo deve ser um fenômeno humanitário no qual alguém ajuda outra pessoa necessitada. Os empréstimos devem ser espiritualizados. Quando o empréstimo se torna um negócio, o valor da caridade desaparece. Os credores se tornarão predadores predando as necessidades ou infortúnios; vai continuar perseguindo os pobres para dar o seu interesse.
Na riba, só se toma sem doar em troca. Na verdadeira caridade há apenas dar sem receber em troca. Na caridade nós damos aos necessitados e não recebemos nada em troca. Na riba, o credor recebe do mutuário e não dá nada em troca.
A caridade une a sociedade e a cimenta como uma família, enquanto Riba destrói a família e divide a família.
Assim, Riba leva a fitna & amp; fasaad (corrupção, anarquia, travessura)
Na riba, não há como dar sem dar em troca. Na verdadeira caridade, damos aos necessitados e não recebemos nada em troca. Na riba, o credor recebe do mutuário e não dá nada em troca.
As pessoas e até o pessoal bancário islâmico já registraram & amp; declarações escritas dizendo que os preços aumentam devido à inflação & amp; essa é uma razão pela qual eles também elevam os preços. O aumento de preços, por causa da inflação, é uma indicação de que o valor do papel-moeda está caindo.
Há até mesmo alguns chamados estudiosos islâmicos que adotam a curiosa posição de que os juros bancários são justificados, uma vez que compensam as perdas sustentadas pela inflação. Os pontos seguintes refutam esta "desculpa de inflação".
A queda no valor do papel-moeda é em si uma forma de riba, já que aquele que possui sua riqueza na forma de papel-moeda, de repente, perdeu parte de sua riqueza. O interesse ou a riba são em si uma das causas de que a maldição econômica moderna leva à inflação. Então, principalmente riba leva à inflação & amp; não o contrário. Isso foi explicado no exemplo simples acima. A inflação é a criatura da moderna economia capitalista baseada em interesses. Não existia antes do surgimento do capitalismo moderno baseado na riba. Papel-moeda: isto é, por si só, leva à inflação & amp; é uma forma de Riba & amp; discutido em detalhes em um blog separado. Também é ilustrado no exemplo acima.
Argumentos contra a banca islâmica:
Por que os bancos islâmicos não falam contra o papel-moeda fraudulento e o estresse para o Alcorão & amp; Dinheiro da Sunnah (Ouro, Prata, etc.) Envolva-se em transações de Murabaha que são proibidas, pelas quais eles obtêm a maior parte de seus ganhos (discutidos abaixo). Eles emprestam juros e os disfarçam como uma venda. Não há risco; nenhuma perda é incorrida Envolvida em riba de porta traseira (por exemplo, escondendo interesse em arrendamento (transação de Ijarah) "Todo banco quer pessoas para possuir mais carros e bens mais materiais. Suas atividades são encobertas na linguagem técnica de finanças - produtos derivados Ninguém, incluindo os principais especialistas em finanças, pode descobrir quanto de usura ocorre em um sistema tão complexo, onde tudo está interconectado. O sistema bancário em conformidade com a Sharia aumentou a confusão com suas terminologias específicas. Se os donos e administradores dos bancos islâmicos fossem pessoas genuinamente morais e preocupados com o pecado, não pagariam a si mesmos menos? O funcionário bancário mais mal pago de um banco paquistanês - seja uma Sharia. - compatível ou de outra forma - faz entre 100-1.000 vezes menos do que seu CEO, para quem um salário mensal de sete dígitos é perfeitamente normal. (Fatos provenientes de um escritor liberal secular & # 8211; Sr. Pervez Hoodbhoy)
Arrendamento bancário - carro, casa, etc (erroneamente chamado Murabaha, Ijarah)
Bancos islâmicos ao redor do mundo estão tentando contornar a riba através de um processo de engenharia financeira diabólica.
A maioria das alternativas à riba que eles oferecem ao público muçulmano crédulo não são nada mais do que formas de riba dificilmente disfarçadas. Por exemplo, eles utilizam um mecanismo financeiro que eles definem erroneamente como murabaha.
Murabaha é uma transação na qual algo é vendido com lucro e tanto o comprador quanto o vendedor sabem o montante do lucro e o aceitam.
Mas carro ou locação de casa NÃO é Murabaha porque:
O banco compra um artigo em dinheiro & amp; em seguida, vende-o para crédito a um preço mais alto do que aquele para o qual foi comprado. Este tipo de Murabaha é chamado de back-door riba por alguns estudiosos.
Por exemplo, se o banco comprar um carro por $ 15.000 e depois vender esse mesmo carro por $ 10.000 no mesmo mercado em que foi comprado, a transação teria validade duvidosa, já que o preço de mercado seria ser manifestamente violado.
Por que alguém pagaria 25.000 dólares por um carro quando o preço de mercado é de 15.000 dólares e ele sabe disso! Qual é a diferença entre esta transação & amp; uma transação em um banco convencional?
Os argumentos para Car / House Leasing (chamados Murabaha / Ijarah) são:
Alguns estudiosos islâmicos como Mufti Taqi Usmani & amp; Javed Ghadi deu permissão Há um acordo sobre o novo preço entre comprador e amp; vendedor O Islã permite que alguém compre um carro por US $ 10.000 e o venda por US $ 12.000? Sim. O Islã permite que alguém faça uma compra com base no pagamento diferido? Sim.
Os argumentos contra Murabaha são:
Muitos estudiosos islâmicos, como o Dr. Zakir Naik, o falecido Dr. Israr Ahmad, o xeque Imran Hosein, vários eruditos sauditas, etc. são contra a maior parte do modo como os Bancos Islâmicos estão trabalhando nas transações de Murabaha (descritas mais adiante) Vamos analisar Murabaha:
O cliente "Adam" tem duas opções:
a) “Somente em dinheiro - Automóveis” lhe venderá o carro por US $ 10.000, mas não está disposto a esperar para receber o preço total.
b) O Murabaha Bank lhe venderá o carro por US $ 12.000 e está disposto a esperar dois anos para receber o preço total.
A escolha de Adam para comprar do Murabaha Bank reflete seu desejo de não pagar o preço total do carro hoje. Em outras palavras, ele prefere pagar parte do preço hoje e se endividar com o resto. O Murabaha Bank concorda em ser devido por Adam o preço do seu carro em troca do montante que é devido sendo $ 2.000 mais do que o preço do carro hoje.
Agora que a imagem está completa, vamos discutir se Murabaha envolve interesse (Riba) pelas definições & amp; explicações dadas acima.
O interesse no Islã é a cobrança de um retorno predeterminado pelo uso do dinheiro.
Agora, a questão que devemos responder fica clara: o banco cobrou de Adam um retorno predeterminado pelo uso de seu dinheiro? Claramente sim. O banco cobrava US $ 2.000 em troca do uso de US $ 10.000 por Adam para comprar um carro. Se o banco entrega o dinheiro a Adam ou se entrega o dinheiro à concessionária é irrelevante, porque em ambos os casos, Adam é quem decide onde foi gasto.
O fato de que nenhuma penalidade seja avaliada se Adam estiver inadimplente em seus pagamentos significa simplesmente que o montante de juros no contrato de Murabaha é fixado em US $ 2.000.
Ainda não está convencido?
Suponha que Adam vá a um banco tradicional e tome US $ 10.000 a uma taxa de juros anual de 9,5% (a essa taxa ele deve US $ 2 mil em juros em dois anos). Suponha também que os juros sobre o empréstimo sejam limitados quando atingir US $ 2.000. Em outras palavras, uma vez que Adam paga US $ 2.000 em juros, deixa de acumular.
Além disso, se Adam pagar antecipadamente o empréstimo do banco tradicional, ele acabará pagando menos juros do que pagaria com o financiamento do banco Murabaha.
Como mencionei, o banco Murabaha não eliminou o interesse, apenas garante o montante de juros que irá cobrar.
Em conclusão, dizer que Murabaha é permissível no Islã é nada menos que um insulto aos muçulmanos. Isso implica que o Islã inclui mandamentos sem sentido que não trazem valor para os adeptos.
3. O banco islâmico, portanto, não cumpre a qualificação de propriedade necessária para entrar em um ba'ah (venda / compra) com o comprador (neste caso, usuário final do carro). O banco não é um vendedor em princípio, e sim um fornecedor do carro como intermediário e obtendo lucro em um modo de troca de multiplicador a partir de um produto que é produzido por outra parte em primeiro lugar.
4. Agora, este banco islâmico impõe todos os tipos de condições para garantir este contrato chamado murabaha com o comprador do carro - na verdade, um consumidor do carro, não um trabalhador de acordo com o quadro islâmico. Isso inclui o preço do carro, aluguel do carro (outro termo para marcação), takaful (mudança de nome para seguro), taxa de processamento, contrato vinculativo e limite para o uso adicional do carro. É esta transação de Murabaha justa para as partes, livre do modo multiplicador de troca econômica, compartilhando obrigações e benefícios? A resposta seria um enfático "não".
5. Uma transação econômica seria considerada livre de riba se evitar o modo multiplicador de ganhar dinheiro, tirar proveito e criar capital. O ciclo vicioso de acumulação de capital é perpetuado pelo modo multiplicador da troca econômica. Nenhum setor da economia está isento desse efeito multiplicador e, portanto, infestado de todos os atributos da riba.
6. A conclusão é que o motivo pelo qual um cliente tem que pagar um preço mais alto por uma venda a crédito é devido ao fator tempo ou pagamento diferido. Tal transação seria aquela em que o dinheiro aumentaria em consideração ao tempo ou dinheiro geraria dinheiro ao longo do tempo. Não é diferente de riba al-nasiah descrito acima. É pura riba!
7. Murabaha é basicamente um empréstimo que envolve um ativo. Bancos convencionais & # 8220; comprar & # 8221; do negociante de carro, em seguida, vendê-lo aos clientes com juros de 7%. Os bancos islâmicos compram do revendedor de automóveis e vendem para o cliente com lucro de 7%. É só eu ou são esses contratos muito semelhantes, exceto um ganho & # 8220; juros & # 8221; e o outro "lucro" # 8221 ;.
8. Este é o problema hoje, porque hoje Riba está tão entrelaçada com o comércio que é quase impossível separar os dois. Isto é o mesmo que descrentes costumavam dizer de acordo com o Alcorão, que Bai (negócio / compra de venda) é igual para RIBA, mas ALLAH declarou explicitamente no Alcorão que Allah fez riba haram e negócios halal.
9. Agora, uma transação Murabaha que está sendo usada pela maioria dos bancos islâmicos é segurada contra perdas e é assegurada de um retorno fixo.
10. Se um cliente não devolver as parcelas dentro do prazo mencionado, muitos desses bancos continuarão aumentando o valor a ser pago e isso é exatamente o mesmo que os bancos convencionais.
11. Em caso de danos ao carro, o cliente na maioria dos casos paga todos os danos e não o banco que permanece o proprietário do carro até que todos os pagamentos tenham sido feitos (sistema Ijarah - o cliente está simplesmente pagando um aluguel.
12. Isto é, a menos que o carro esteja segurado, o que é outra forma de riba, que é discutida adiante. O mesmo Mufti (Mufti Taqi Usmani) que pode ter permitido Murabaha, emitiu claramente outro Fatwa que afirma que seguro é haram!
13. Não precisa de muita perspicácia para perceber que tal acordo é, na verdade, nada mais do que um empréstimo ... que deve ... ser declarado usurário. É muito claro que os três contratos fingidos compreendidos no acordo são apenas fingidos a fim de disfarçar um empréstimo a juros, e que, na verdade, eu não tinha intenção de fazer uma parceria com o comerciante, mas apenas de obter dele interesse. na soma que eu emprestei. E mesmo que, por um equívoco, eu deveria ter me convencido de que eu realmente tinha a intenção de entrar em três contratos sucessivos com ele, isso seria uma ilusão produzida pela minha cupidez, a fim de disfarçar para mim o vício da usura no mundo. empréstimo a juros sobre os quais todo o acordo se resolve.
14. O Islã proíbe o que implica risco zero e lucro garantido. (ou seja, Riba). O Islã também proíbe o que implica risco total e nenhum lucro garantido. (ou seja, jogos de azar).
15. Mesmo os bancos islâmicos NÃO fazem tudo isso para ganhar Sawab (recompensa). Murabaha é, portanto, um engano, se todos esses pontos não são apontados para o cliente, incluindo dizendo-lhe o preço real do carro no mercado.
Hazrat Anas (RA) narrou que o Sagrado Profeta (PECE) afirmou que enganar um mustarsal (alguém que não está ciente dos preços de mercado) é riba. (Bukhari)
16. A pessoa entrará em uma dívida de longo prazo; qualquer um que estude a Sunnah no que diz respeito à dívida, entenderia que é ao mesmo tempo muito tolo & amp; muito perigoso, além de ser uma violação da Sunnah econômica, para um muçulmano entrar em uma dívida de longo prazo.
17. A morte pode ocorrer a qualquer momento. Qualquer muçulmano que morre com uma dívida (e empréstimo bancário é uma dívida) e sua família não tem meios para pagá-lo, morrerá uma morte em que o Profeta (PECE) se recusou a rezar o Salat ul Janaza (funeral de morte) sobre! Significando como é pecaminoso morrer em um estado de dívida.
18. A person who dies will burden his family with debt because even the Islamic banks will NOT waiver the debt off even after his death. If his widowed wife and children fail to keep up with the monthly payment, which is highly likely if they are not earning position, the bank will take over the property.
19. A Muslim who enters into a long term debt may never be able to perform the Hajj with any confidence that his Hajj will be accepted by Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) declared that the one who had the means to pay a debt should NOT delay in paying it.
20. Allah knows the intentions of both the bank administrators and the customers. One cannot fool Allah. Almost all the bank managers and customers, after all the counter arguments & knowing that basically it is a form of riba, simply cite at the end that certain Islamic scholar X, Y or Z has allowed it, therefore it must be Halal. This is the only argument that they can give!
21. If still in doubt, then Islam also says to abstain from things that are doubtful and keep to things that are clear; and has narrated by Hazrat Umar (RA) concerning doubt about RIBA:
Hazrat Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) said: The last verse to be revealed was on riba, but Allah’s Prophet (PBUH) was taken away from us, without having expounded it to us; so give up not only riba (usury), but also reebah (whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightfulness) (Ibn Majah, Darimi)
22. Famous Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH): “The halal is clear and the haram is clear, and between them are matters unclear that are unknown to most people. Whoever is wary of these unclear matters has absolved his religion and honor. And whoever indulges in them has indulged in the haram. It is like a shepherd who herds his sheep too close to preserved sanctuary, and they will eventually graze in it. Every king has a sanctuary, and the sanctuary of Allah is what He has made haram. There lies within the body a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted. Verily this piece is the heart.”
Similar argument laid down against IJARAH by Sheikh Imran Hosein & outras.
Views of Famous Islamic Scholars on Car/House Leasing.
It is interesting to note that almost all highly educated Islamic Scholars are against car/house leasing/muharaba schemes including:
2. Sheikh Imran Hosein (MA degree in international economics)
Many references on You Tube. He is the most strict against Murabaha & Ijarah, calling it back-door Riba.
3. Mr. Orya Maqbool Jan in reference to an Aalim Maulana Saleem Ullah Khan explaining that ‘Islamic’ Banking is similar to ‘ordinary’ banking:
4. Dr. Zakir Naik etc.
They have all pointed out that it is just like putting ‘old wines in new bottles’, basic motivation/intention is the same; so whether one fingers the nose directly or from the back, it is the same.
Dr. Zakir Naik states that he is yet to see an Islamic Bank that is 100 % Islamic.
The most referred scholar to have allowed car leasing is Mufti Taqi Usmani and even he has given the following clarification of misuse of his Fatwa :
Probably the Mufti had the following conditions in mind before giving the Fatwa:
Requirements for Murabaha/Ijarah transaction to Meet Islamic Standards.
There are a number of requirements for this transaction to be a real transaction to meet the Islamic standards of a legal sale.
The whole of Murabaha transaction is to be completed in two stages. In the first stage, the client requests the bank to undertake a Murabaha transaction and promises to buy the commodity specified by him, if the bank acquires the same commodity. Of course, the promise is not a legal binding. The client may go back on his promise and the bank risks the loss of the amount it has spent. In the second stage, the client purchases the good acquired by the bank AT THE SAME PRICE on a deferred payments basis and agrees to a payment schedule. Another important requirement of Murabaha sale is that two sale contracts, one through which the bank acquires the commodity and the other through which it sells it to the client should be separate and real transactions. In case of non-payment in time, no increase in price will be allowed. Damages beyond control of the customer will be shared according to percentage of ownership. For example, if 50% payment has been made, then damages will be divided by half Insurance will not be allowed as discussed ahead.
In only these ways risk will be shared i. e. both customer and seller may undergo profit or loss. Such would be a true Islamic bank and this is probably why Dr Zakir Naik has stated that he has not seen any bank which is 100% Islamic.
Why the Differences & Confusion Among Scholars?
Lack of in-depth knowledge of Economy: For example lack of understanding of consequences of Riba or murabaha on economy of a country as a whole as discussed above. Late Revelation and so less information from Sahabah & Prophet passed on.
On the authority of ahadith received from both Ibn Abbas (RA) and from Hazrat Umar (RA), we know that the last relevation received by the blessed Prophet (PBUH), shortly before his death, was the passage in surah Al-Baqarah (2: 278-281) which dealth with riba.
Umar bin Al Khattab (RA) said: The last verse to be revealed was on riba, but Allah’s Prophet (PBUH) was taken away from us, without having expounded it to us; so give up not only riba (usury), but also reebah (whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightfulness) (Ibn Majah, Darimi)
3. Most difficult subject according to Islamic scholars. Many scholars regard riba as one of the most difficult subjects to understand.
4. Riba is often disguised; hard to recognize type of legalized theft as explained above and unfortunately some scholars have unable to recognize it.
5. Many scholars also do not have concept of paper money & that paper money is also essentially a type of riba & thus also haram in its essence.
6. Unfortunately many scholars are on the payrolls of the bank & it is very easy to get a Fatwa (Islamic ruling) from them.
7. Sheer Ignorance: especially of Egyptian scholars and others blindly followed suit: Shaeikh Muhammad Al-Gazzali, the venerable scholar of Islam, visited New York shortly before his death & ruled (OUT OF IGNORANCE) that bank interest was not Riba because banks invested their money and paid interest from the profits realized from the investments.
He therefore equated bank interest with dividends which are paid to share-holders of a company. Banks lend money on interest & do not usually invest money.
8. Lack of Faith: Some scholars out of lack of faith and conviction did not rule against many types of riba, probably fearing a backlash from the government, especially during oppressive regimes of dictators.
9. Some scholars wrongly told people to not leave interest in hands of disbelievers; they wrongly guided people (out of ignorance) to accept interest from bank savings and distribute to the poor. This is wrong due to the fact that what is Haram for oneself is Haram for one’s brother.
10. Last of all, some scholars (like Sheikh Qardawi of Egypt) accepted some forms of riba (like car/house leasing) on the Doctrine of necessity. One may ask, since when did owning a car or house (or an expensive car or house) become an absolute necessity. There are millions of people living without these luxuries.
Sheikh Yasir Qadhi in USA has this to say on the matter:
“While I do not give an ‘official fatwa’ on this matter, I have always said (and those whom I trust and are more knowledgeable than me in Islamic finance have told me) that these contracts (murahaba/ijarah contracts) resemble ‘hiyal’ (‘tricks’) – it is as if the basic structure of a mortgage remains the same, but some clauses are added here and there to make it appear that it’s legitimate.
Based on this, while I do not agree with Sh. Qardawi’s unconditional fatwa that allows a mortgage loan for one’s personal house, still, if one were to follow his fatwa, it would make more Islamic sense (since he calls it riba, but says that it is a necessity) than these contracts, which give the illusion of not being riba, but in essence appear to be so.
And Allah knows best…”
11. So we may conclude from this discussion, some scholars following Jewish scholars, also embraced Riba. Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun.
12. Ruling without Knowledge: Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Al-‘As (RA) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: ‘Allah will not take away knowledge by snatching it away from the people. Rather, He will take away knowledge by taking away the scholars until, when there is no scholar left, people will turn to ignorant leaders who will be asked questions and will issue Fatawa (rulings) without knowledge. (Bukhari & Muslim)
The insurance of cars or other goods with the traditional Insurance Companies is a commercial transaction in which the person who wants to insure his goods is bound to pay a premium to the company in accordance with the prescribed conditions. This payment is certain and mandatory without which an insurance is not possible.
Following are the reasons why Insurance (car, life, health etc) is not permissible in Islam:
Most banks directly or indirectly make insurance transactions based on Riba This payment is certain and mandatory without which an insurance is not possible. But on the other hand, the payment by the company is not certain. It is contingent upon an event or accident which may or may not occur. If the accident takes place, the company is bound to pay an amount far more higher than the amount of the premium paid by the insured, but if the accident does not take place, the company does not pay to him anything and the premium paid by him goes without any return. In other words, the insured is bound to pay in any case while the company may or may not pay. Such kind of transaction is termed as Gharar and Qimar (lottery) and is strictly prohibited in Shari’ah.’ All kinds of insurance are forms of uncertainty, and transactions which involve uncertainty are forbidden according to many Saheeh Ahadith, such as the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (RA):
“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) forbade transactions determined by throwing a stone and transactions which involved some uncertainty.” (Narrated by Muslim).
All forms of commercial insurance are based on uncertainty of the most extreme kind. So it is a form of GAMBLING involving chance, uncertainty. Moreover, if the accident takes place, the amount of insurance is paid to the insured as a consideration of the amount of premium. It is again repugnant to the well-settled principle of Shari’ah that where money is exchanged for money, both the amounts should be equal in quantity. Any increase on either side is ‘riba’ which is clearly prohibited by the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. Also there is element of taking illegal precautionary measure against a possible loss or seeking a safe-guard against an accident And the most important point: From where are the banks paying all this insurance money, often over & above what they are being paid? Of course the central banks! Read here: drnaumanshad. wordpress/2015/05/29/why-paper-money-is-essentially-haram-forbidden/ For more proof one can see many cases of crime as reported in ‘Forensic Files’ series, are due to greed of getting life insurance of close victims, including spouses, parents & children, how groce. For certain ‘scholars’ who state that insurance is haram, but car insurance is allowed because having a car is a necessity, THIS IS A JOKE & they are surely misguided. Millions of people do not have cars & they are surviving. CAR IS NOT A NECESSITY Some ‘scholars’ try to compromise and say well its UK/USA law therefore its okay,
but is this what you will answer to Allah, that it was UK law so i had to do it? For more details: youtube/watch? v=yYGdRQ1ndeU.
It is for these reasons (riba, gharar and lottery) that all the prevalent forms of commercial insurance have been held by the majority of the contemporary Muslim jurists as prohibited.
Takaful (Cooperative Insurance)
This is in many ways similar to conventional insurance and prohibited due to the reasons described above No matter how noble it may appear to be, it is based on principles and practices that are based on Riba and are haram . In essence all other types of insurance banks are offering in the name of Takaful or other names are a deceit in the name of Islam. I asked one banker what is the difference between Takaful and conventional insurance and the person stated that takaful gives less fixed profit than conventional insurance. I exclaimed ‘meaning takaful schemes have less alcohol mixed in them?’
If a group of people, or a company or society, all collect money, say 1000 rupees from every person, monthly or yearly etc and deposit it in non-interest bank account. If any member suffers an accident, sickness or other mishap, that whole or part of that deposit is given to him/her in compensation for the loss he suffered. Similarly ‘committee collection’ common in Pakistani societies are also justified.
This is the only type of Takaful allowed in Islam.
The Case Against the Stock Exchange.
1. Speculative T ransactions Equivalent to Gambling.
These are transactions in which one buys goods or stocks etc, anticipating that the price would rise. When it does, one then sells and makes a killing (huge profit). Alternatively one may sell goods, stocks, etc anticipating that the prices would fall.
When it does, one buys back and makes a huge profit. Such a profit is unjust. It is, in effect, gambling.
Speculation is the dominant force in today’s stock market. As mentioned above speculative transactions are riba. Today’s stock market operates on the basis of access to information.
Whoever gets information first can exploit that knowledge and make money. Thus one of the keys to consistent gain in the stock market is access to timely information. Access to information is usually obtained through bribery and patronage which are again leading to riba.
The value of shares so traded does no longer reflect the actual worth of the company and how well it is doing in real terms, but is dependent on speculation, thus becoming a form of gambling.
The Islamic rules governing economics are designed to ensure that all contracting parties know with certainty the factors involved in a deal and the outcome is not left to chance. Thus the trading in futures and speculation on the prospective value of a share irrespective of the assets and turnover of a company are not permissible.
Stock markets today are too open for speculative augmentations/reductions of value. Stock markets generally come under false and misleading fluctuation of prices which are run by either the most powerful several corporations or brokerage firms operating in that country. That’s why most of the scholars consider buying/selling in stock markets as not permitted and not lawful.
2. Change in Interest Rates Affect the Stock Market.
Modern economy can never be absolutely free of interest. It is known that change in interest rates do affect the stock market like a ripple effect.
Hence it is better to avoid investing in the stock market to be absolutely sure of being free from any type of riba transactions.
E Alá sabe melhor.
Can a Muslim own & use a credit card?
A credit card is a card which permits its owner to borrow a certain amount within a period of time (usually one month). If that loan is repaid within the stipulated period then that loan would be an interest-free loan. If one the other hand, the loan is not repaid within the stipulated time, then interest would be charged on the loan.
A Muslim is prohibited from paying interest and so a Muslim who pays all his credit card debts on time and never has to pay interest, may argue that he has not violated the law in using a credit card.
But consider the following: the agreement with which one acquires a credit card is an agreement with provisions for riba. Such an agreement is Haram for a Muslim. Thus by entering into such an agreement, one has entered into Riba.
Interest is Haram for Muslims Even in Non-Muslim Countries.
There was a wrong notion given by some misguided scholars like Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri that one can take interest in western/non-Muslim countries. Some gave the reason that those areas are Dar-ul-Harb (country with which Muslims are at war).
First of all there is nothing clearly mentioned of such a point in the Holy Quran or Sunnah. A few Hanafi scholars gave an indication & that too from Dar-ul-Harb.
Secondly western countries are NOT dar-ul-harb; no Muslim ruler has announced war against any western or non-Muslim country. Muslim countries have peace & business contracts with them, so they are actually Dar-al-Ahd (lands with which Muslims have contract).
Thirdly, strictly speaking there is no Dar-ul-Islam on Earth, where Islam is being practiced in totality; so what to talk of Dar-ul-Harb.
So interest is Haram for American, Canadian, English or any other Muslims living in Non-Muslim countries just as it is Haram in a Muslim country.
I end this discussion on such a sensitive and difficult subject. May Allah forgive me if I have made a mistake.
Major source is from books & lectures by Sheikh Imran Hosein, Dr Zakir Naik, Dr Israr Ahmad & some others available on You Tube.
E Alá sabe melhor.
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5 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; Riba, Car Leasing, Insurance & the Stock Exchange ”
Video links are not working. Can you share those kinks that are refer to late Dr Israr Ahmed, Imran Hossein and Dr Zakir Naik.
Assalam Alaikum. I have updated some of them. You may also search by topic in Google or directly in You Tube for their opinion on this topic.
What is your opinion on cryptocurrencies?
Assalam Alaikum. A written fatwa has been issued against cryptocurrencies especially Bitcoin; same reasons have been given: cannot be backed up, do not have intrinsic value.
Hadith/Sunnah There are 32 products.
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The greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options for materials used in UK construction.
Presents time series of embodied emissions in UK construction from 1997 to 2011.
Contends that mitigation requires greater focus on material efficiency.
Identifies barriers to uptake of alternative materials, technologies and practices.
The UK construction industry faces the daunting task of replacing and extending a significant proportion of UK infrastructure, meeting a growing housing shortage and retrofitting millions of homes whilst achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions compatible with the UK's legally binding target of an 80% reduction by 2050. This paper presents a detailed time series of embodied GHG emissions from the construction sector for 1997–2011. This data is used to demonstrate that strategies which focus solely on improving operational performance of buildings and the production efficiencies of domestic material producers will be insufficient to meet sector emission reduction targets. Reductions in the order of 80% will require a substantial decline in the use of materials with carbon-intensive supply chains. A variety of alternative materials, technologies and practices are available and the common barriers to their use are presented based upon an extensive literature survey. Key gaps in qualitative research, data and modelling approaches are also identified. Subsequent discussion highlights the lack of client and regulatory drivers for uptake of alternatives and the ineffective allocation of responsibility for emissions reduction within the industry. Only by addressing and overcoming all these challenges in combination can the construction sector achieve drastic emissions reduction.
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Al Bayyinah.
And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.
The Life Of Prophet Adam (PBUH)
Adam (PBUH) is mentioned in the Qur’an a total of 25 times, in a total of 25 aayats, which are.
Informing the Angels about Adam (PBUH)
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?” Allah said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know.” And He taught Adam the names – all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.” They said, “Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise.” He said, “O Adam, inform them of their names.” And when he had informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed.” And [mention] when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam”; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. And We said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat there from in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.” But Satan caused them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been. And We said, “Go down, [all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time.” Then Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. We said, “Go down from it, all of you. And when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance – there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. (Qur’an 2:30-38)
And We had already taken a promise from Adam before, but he forgot; and We found not in him determination. And [mention] when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except Iblees; he refused. So We said, “O Adam, indeed this is an enemy to you and to your wife. Then let him not remove you from Paradise so you would suffer. Indeed, it is [promised] for you not to be hungry therein or be unclothed. And indeed, you will not be thirsty therein or be hot from the sun.” Then Satan whispered to him; he said, “O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?” And Adam and his wife ate of it, and their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and erred. Then his Lord chose him and turned to him in forgiveness and guided [him]. [Allah] said, “Descend from Paradise – all, [your descendants] being enemies to one another. And if there should come to you guidance from Me – then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray [in the world] nor suffer [in the Hereafter]. (Qur’an 20:115-123)
And [mention] when We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange. (Qur’an 18:50)
In Ad-Dur Al-Manthur, it is related from Ibn ‘Abbas that Adam (pb uh), Hawa, Iblis, and the snake landed in a place called Dajnah, which is situated somewhere between Makkah and At Ta’if.
In the narration, which is related by Ibn Sa’ad and Ibn Asaakir from Ibn ‘Abbas, it is mentioned that Adam (pbuh) landed in India while hawwaah landed in Jeddah; and Adam(pbuh) then searched out for her until he reached Muzdalifah; to this very day, pilgrims gather during Hajj at Muzdaliffah. Muzdalifah is derived from the verb Izdalafah, which means to approach.
At-Tabaraani, Abu Nu’aim, and Ibn Asaakir all relat ed from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Adam (pbuh) descended in India”.
There are old traditions about the angels before the creation of Adam. According to Ibn Qatadah, it was said that the angels were informed about the creation of Adam and his progency by the jinn who lived before Adam. Abdullah Ibn Umar said that the jinn had existed for about 2000 years before Adam and then shed blood. Therefore Allah sent on them an army of angels that drove them out to the depths of the seas.
Abi Musa al Sha’arai narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah created Adam from a handful of dust taken from different lands, so the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land. Therefore from mankind we have white, red, black and yellow ones; we have good and evil, ease and sorrow, and what comes in between them.” (Sahih al Bukhari).
Ibn Masud and other companions of the Prophet (PBUH) said that Allah the Almighty sent Gabriel onto the earth to said that Allah the Almighty sent Gabriel onto the earth to get Him clay therefrom. The earth said: “I seek refuge in Allah from your decreasing my quantity or disfiguring me.” So Gabriel returned and did not take anything. He said: “My Lord, the land sought refuge in You and it granted.”
So Allah sent Michael for the same purpose, and the land sought refuge with Allah and it was granted. So he went back and said to Allah what Gabriel has said before him. Then Allah sent the Angel of Death, and the land sought refuge in Allah, the angel said: “I also seek refuge with Allah from returning without carrying out His command.” So he took clay from the face of the earth and mixed it. He did not take from one particular place, but rather he took white, red, and black clay from different places. The Angel of Death ascended with it, Allah soaked the clay till it became sticky. Then Allah said to the angels:
“ And when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My soul, then fall down to him in prostration. (Qur’an 15:29)
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Allah created Adam from dust after He mixed the clay and left him for some time until it became sticky mud, after which Allah shaped him. After that Allah left him till it became like potter’s clay. Iblis used to go past him saying ‘You have been created for a great purpose.’ After that Allah breathed His spirit into him. The first thing into which the spirit passed was his eye and then his nose. He sneezed. Allah said: “May your Lord have mercy upon you, O Adam! Go to those angels and see what they would say.’ So Adam went and greeted them. They replied saying: “Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.” Allah said: “O Adam! This is your greeting and that of your offspring.” (Sahih al Bukhari).
And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” [This] – lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, “Indeed, we were of this unaware.” Or [lest] you say, “It was only that our fathers associated [others in worship] with Allah before, and we were but descendants after them. Then would You destroy us for what the falsifiers have done?” And thus do We [explain in] detail the verses, and perhaps they will return. (Qur’an 7:172-174)
Similarity between Adam and Jesus (PBUT)
Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, “Be,” and he was . (Qur’an 3:59)
[Allah] said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” [Satan] said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.” (Qur’an 7:12)
And [mention] when We said to the angles, “Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He said, “Should I prostrate to one You created from clay?” [Iblees] said, “Do You see this one whom You have honored above me? If You delay me until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely destroy his descendants, except for a few.” (Qur’an 17:61-62)
Ibn Jarir reported that Muhammad Ibn sirin said that the first one to reach a conclusion by reasoning was Iblis and that the sun and moon were not worshiped except through this method. This means that Iblis tried to compare himself to Adam. He believed that he was more honorable than Adam. Therefore he abstained from prostrating even though Allah had commanded him to do so, just as He had commanded the angels.
Adam opened his eyes and saw all the angels prostrating before him except one being who was standing at a distance Adam did not know what kind of creature it was that did not prostrate before him nor did he know its name. Iblis was standing with the angels so as to be included in the command given to them but he was not one of them. He was a jinn , and as such he was supposed to be inferior to the angels. What is clear is that this prostration was to show respect and did not mean that the angels were worshipping Adam. Prostrating in worship is done only for Allah.
There were many traditions about Iblis at the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ibn Masud, Ibn Abbas and a group of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Iblis had been the head of the angels in the worldly heavens. Ibn Abbas said in one narration that his name had been Azazil and in another narration he said it had been Al Harith. Ibn Abbas also said that Iblis was a jinn and that they had once been the keepers of Paradise, with Iblis the most honorable and the most learned and the most pious of them. Another tradition says that he had been one of the famous four possessors of wings (angels), before Allah transformed him into the accursed Satan.
After this lesson about freedom Adam learned another lesson, one about knowledge. Adam realized that Iblis was the symbol of evil in the universe and that the angels were the symbol of good. However he did not yet know anything about himself. Then Allah made him perceive his true identity and the reason for his creation, and the secret of his glorification. Allah the Exalted said: “He taught Adam all the names of everything”. (Qur’an 2:31).
Almighty Allah granted Adam the power to know the natures of all things and to summarize them by names. Allah implanted in Adam an insatiable need for and love of knowledge and a desire to bequeath knowledge to his children. This was the reason for his creation and the secret of his glorification. After Adam had learned the names of all things, along with their properties and uses, Allah presented them to the angels and said:
“Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful.” (Qur’an 2:31 Quran)
The angels admitted their inability:
“Glory be to You, we have knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily it is You the All Knower, the All Wise.” (Qur’an 2:32)
Allah Almighty then turned to Adam:
“O Adam! Inform them of their names,” and when he had informed them of their names, He said: ‘Did I not tell you that I know the unseen in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you have been hiding?'” (Qur’an 2:33).
Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq and Ibn Abbas related that Eve was created from the shortest left rib of Adam while he was sleeping and after awhile she was clothed with flesh. That is why Allah the Exalted said:
“O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from Him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women. (Qur’an 4:1)
Allah also said:
“It is he Who has created you from a single person (Adam) and then He created from him his wife (Eve), in order that he might enjoy the pleasure of living with her.” (Qur’an 7:189).
Adam and eve were admitted to Paradise and there they lived the dream of all human beings. Allah permitted them to approach and enjoy everything except one tree that might have been the Tree of Pain or the Tree of Knowledge. Allah forbade them they were give abode in Paradise.
“But come not near this tree or you both will be of the wrong doers.” (Qur’an 2:35)
Adam and Eve understood that they were forbidden to eat the fruit of that tree. Adam was however a human being and man tends to forget. His heart changes and his will weakens. Iblis summoned all the envy within him and took advantage of Adam’s humanity to exploit him. He started to whisper to him day after day, coaxing him: “Shall I guide you to the Tree of Immortality and the Eternal Kingdom?” He said to them:
“Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals.” He (Satan) swore by Allah to them both saying: “Verily I am one of the sincere well wishers for you both.” (Qur’an 7:20-21)
Then one day they decided to eat of its fruit. They forgot that Allah had warned them not to approach it and that Iblis was their sworn enemy. Adam stretched out his hand, picked one of the fruits and offered it to Eve. They both ate of the forbidden tree.
Allah Almighty told us: “So he (Satan) misled them with deception.” (Qur’an 7:22)
“Thus did Adam disobey his Lord so he went astray.” (Qur’an 20:121).
“O Children of Adam! Let not Satan deceive you, as he got your parents (Adam and Eve) out of Paradise stripping them of their rainments; to show them their private parts. Verily he and Qabiluhu (his soldiers from the jinn or his tribe) see you from where you cannot see them. Verily, We made the devils (protectors and helpers) for those who believe not.” (Qur’an 7:27)
Commentary: Why Adam and Eve Descended.
Some people believe that the reason why mankind does not dwell in Paradise is that Adam was disobedient and that if it had not been for this sin, we could have been there all along. These are naive fictions because when Allah wanted to create Adam, He said to the angels, “I shall make a vicegerent on the earth.” He did not say, “I shall make a vicegerent in Paradise.” Adam’s descent on earth, then, was not due to degradation but rather it was dignified descent. Allah knew that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree and descend to earth. He knew that Satan would rape their innocence. That experience was essential for their life on earth; it was a cornerstone of their vicegerency. It was meant to teach Adam, Eve, and their progeny that it was Satan who had caused them to be expelled from Paradise and that the road to Paradise can only be reached by obedience to Allah and enmity to Satan.
Their story is related in Suratul-ma’idah : (5:27-31)
And recite to them the story of Adam’s two sons, in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice [to Allah], & it was accepted from one of them but was not accepted from the other. Said [the later], “I will surely kill you.” Said [the former], “Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous [who fear Him]. If you should raise your hand against me to kill me – I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds. Indeed, I want you to obtain [thereby] my sins and your sin so you will be among the companions of the Fire. And that is the recompense of wrongdoers.” And his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him & became among the losers. Then Allah sent a crow searching [i. e., scratching] in the ground to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother. He said, “O woe to me! Have I failed to be like this crow & hide the disgrace [i. e., body] of my brother?” & he became of the regretful.
The pinnacle of earthly bliss was reached when Adam and Eve witnessed the birth of their first children, a set of twins. Adam was a devoted father and Eve a contented mother. The twins were Cain (Qabil) and his sister. Later Eve gave birth to a second set of twins, Abel (Habil) and his sister. The family enjoyed the bounties and fruits of the earth provided by their Lord. The children grew up to be strong and healthy young adults. Cain tilled the land while Abel raised cattle. The time arrived when the two young men desired life partners. This was part of Allah’s plan for mankind, to multiply and form nations with different cultures and colors. Allah revealed to Adam that he should marry each son to the twin sister of the other.
The First Murder – from Various Hadith.
Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud and a group of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) related that inter-marriage of the male of one pregnancy with the female of another had been in practice among Adam’s children. Abel wanted to marry Cain’s sister, but Cain wanted her for himself because she was very beautiful. Adam ordered him to give her in marriage to his brother but he refused. So Adam ordered both of them to offer a sacrifice, then went to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage. After Adam had left, they offered their sacrifices; Abel offered a fat lamb, he was a shepherd, while Cain offered a bundle of worst grain. Fire descended and devoured Abel’s sacrifice, leaving that of Cain so he became angry and said: “I will surely kill you so that you will not marry my sister.” Abel replied, “Allah accepts from those who fear Him.”
According to Abu Ja’afar al Baqer, Adam was watching their offering and was sure that Abel’s sacrifice would be accepted. Cain complained to Adam that the acceptance was due to his supplication for Abel and that he had not done the same for him, so he promised his father to settle the matter between himself and his brother. One night, Abel was late returning from tending his flock. Adam sent Cain to see what happened to him. When he found him, he glared at him saying: “Yours was accepted, and mine was not.” Abel replied, “Allah only accepts from the Allah-fearing.” Cain became angry on hearing this and hit him with a piece of iron that was with him and thus killing him. In another version it was said that he killed him with a rock to the head while he was sleeping.
Before his death Adam reassured his children that Allah would not leave man alone on the earth, but would sent His prophets to guide them. The prophets would have different names, traits and miracles, but they would be united in one thing; the call to worship Allah alone. This was Adam’s bequest to his children. Adam finished speaking and closed his eyes. Then the angels entered his room and surrounded him. When he recognized the Angel of Death among them, his heart smiled peacefully.
Muhammad Ibn Ishaq related that when Adam’s death drew near, he appointed his son Seth to be his successor and taught him the hours of the day and night along with their appropriate acts of worship. He also foretold to him the floor that would come. After Adam’s death, his son Seth (Shiith) took over the responsibilities of prophethood, according to a hadith narrated by Abu Dhar. Abu Dhar narrated that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Allah sent down one hundred and four psalms, of which fifty were sent down to Seth.” (Sahih al Bukhari). When the time of his death came Seth’s son Anoush succeeded him. He in turn, was succeeded by his son Qinan , who was succeeded by Mahlabeel . The Persians claim that Mahlabeel was the King of the Seven Regions, that he was the first one to cut down trees to build cities and large forts and that he built the cities of Babylonia. He reigned for a period of forty years. When he died his duties were taken over by his son Yard , who on his death bequeathed them to his son Khonoukh , who is Idrees (pbuh) according to the majority of the scholars.
Yoga — an Islamic perspective.
In the western world yoga is used mainly as a form of exercise. In fact it is a lot more than an exercise as it is a package deal. Yoga is considered as exercises – physical, mental, spiritual based on eastern metaphysical assumptions focusing on self enlightenment or self realization.
Yoga is one of the basic means of reaching the altered state of consciousness. And the altered state is the doorway to the occult. Sir John Eccles , Nobel Prize Winner for his research on the brain, said the brain is “a machine that a ghost can operate.” In a normal state of consciousness, one’s own spirit ticks off the neurons in his brain and operates his body. We are spirits connected with a body. But in an altered state, reached under drugs, Yoga, hypnosis, etc., this passive but alert state, the connection between the spirit and the brain, is loosened. That allows another spirit to interpose itself, to begin to tick off the neurons in the brain, and create an entire universe of illusion. You’ve then opened yourself up. It’s called sorcery. People are literally teaching themselves how to be demonized; all in the name of developing one’s full potential.
This is the religion of Antichrist ( Dajjal ); and for the first time in history it is being widely practiced throughout the Western world as Transcendental Meditation and other forms of Yoga.” (Source: The Seduction of Christianity, p. 54.)
A popular saying is: “An idle mind is a workshop of Satan”. The psychologists say that idleness can cause psychological problems. Islam teaches Muslims to avoid idleness by engaging in Dhikr [Remembrance (of God)] , which include the five daily obligatory prayers, reading the Holy Qur’an and ahadith and saying beautiful words to praise Allah.
Malaysians were told by the country’s top Islamic council to avoid yoga because it uses Hindu prayers and encourages a union with God that is blasphemous.
“Yoga is forbidden for Muslims. The practice will erode their faith in the religion,” Abdul Shukor Husin , chairman of the government-backed National Fatwa Council, told reporters.
“There are other ways to get exercise and a peace of mind,” Husin said, adding “you can go cycling, swimming and eat less fatty food.”
“For us, yoga can destroy a Muslim’s faith. But this is not a matter for the non-Muslims to be concerned about because it’s not imposed on them. We are looking out for the Muslim community,” he said, noting Egypt and Singapore had issued similar rulings.
President of the southern Baptist seminary Albert Mohler said that Christians should stay away from yoga. He writes, “the embrace of yoga is a symptom of our post-modern spiritual confusion, and, to our shame, this confusion reaches to our churches. Christians who practice yoga are embracing, or at minimum flirting with, a spiritual practice that threatens to transform their own spiritual lives”.
Psychologist and author Dr. Linda Mintle says, “Yoga is definitely a spiritual practice. I am upset to see even educated people who say that you can just separate the physical from spiritual, because that is not possible. Yoga is based on Hindu religion which does not believe in one God, it is a pantheistic view where multiple gods are served. Every movement in yoga is a Hindu worship to a Hindu god. Yoga might help the body, but the question is what it does to the spirit”.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “I do not believe Yoga is demonic, though some people believe it is demonic. In the past say 10 to 15 years ago Hinduism was also considered as a part of demonic culture you know, like idolaters are very demonic in nature. So this sort of prejudice was prevalent against Hinduism also”
“Yoga has become the health and fitness system of choice. This is odd because it is the mind – not the body – that is the main target of all genuine Yoga practices…. To regard Yoga primarily as a set of practices for increasing strength and flexibility while calming the nervous system is to mistake the husk for the kernel.”
“The goal of Yoga is Yoga itself, union itself, of the little self and the True Self, a process of awakening to the preexisting union that is called Yoga. Yoga has to do with the realization through direct experience of the preexisting union between Atman and Brahman, Jivatman and Paramatman, and Shiva and Shakti, or the realization of Purusha standing alone as separate from Prakriti.”
Dr. Scott Johnson discusses many reports. Chris Lawson’s report from Spiritual Research Network says:
“The following reports serve to be wakeup calls for those who profess to be Muslims or Christians and yet involve themselves in stretching out through Yogic poses and the breathing control techniques. Yoga in any form has the capability to corrupt the mind and undue faith. It has as its goal the conversion of an individual into an occult.”
One of the goals of the New World Order is to empty the minds so that the demons can easily infest. Even if these practices can do some good, we must think these techniques originate from non believers and we follow them.
John Weldon and Clifford Wilson wrote in Occult Shock and Psychic Forces that Yoga is really pure occultism.
Hans-Ulrich Rieker , in his book The Yoga of Light, also warns that misunderstanding the true nature of Yoga can mean “death or insanity.”
Join former five-time National Karate Champion Vito Rallo on a journey into the secret world of the martial arts as he reveals the shocking truth!
Dr. Rallo answers these and many other questions in this one-of-a-kind book! There appears to be very few people who truly understand the spiritual ramifications of participating in martial arts and/or yoga. Dr. Rallo says in the book, “Speaking of my own experience in karate, since I have been on both sides of the issue, I clearly know the difference.” Martial arts and yoga are both very “spiritual activities,” but he poses two more questions:
Is everything “spiritual” of God?
There are unseen dangers behind martial arts as well as yoga. One must know the true origin of martial arts, as well as the history of martial arts in order to understand and make the martial arts and yoga connection.
Oftentimes, those who are promoting martial arts and yoga are targeting our children, which are done through movies, video games, and television. The first movie, “The Karate Kid” had a huge influence in promoting children in martial arts. There is now a remake of “The Karate Kid” out today. In reality, the second movie has nothing to do with karate, but touts the “so-called” benefits of kung fu. (In fact, where this movie is marketed outside the USA, it will be called “The Kung Fu Kid.”)
In the remake, unlike the first karate kid who learned “wax on, wax off,” the new kid learns about channeling and projecting his “chi”. Channeling is an occult practice – practiced by Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, and witches.
So the real power behind martial arts is based on the assumption that we can tap into a so-called “universal energy,” (chi or ki) which is nothing less than tapping into a dark spiritual realm.
The truth about martial arts (which has been largely ignored) is now revealed in this book. The truth about yoga is also revealed. Although yoga is now being highly promoted by educators and the medical field as beneficial, what they don’t tell you is that the side effects are highly detrimental, debilitating, and spiritually devastating. The power behind yoga comes directly from Hindu gods and is what’s known as the kundalini spirit. There’s no getting around it.
Christian speaker/author Laurette Willis tells everyone she meets about the dangers of yoga. The Oklahoma resident addresses groups across the country, speaking from personal experience and her knowledge as a certified personal trainer and aerobics instructor.
The goal of all yoga, Laurette explains, is to obtain oneness with the universe. That’s also known as the process of enlightenment, or union with Brahman (Hinduism’s highest god). The word “yoga” means “union” or “to yoke.”
“Yoga wants to get students to the point of complete numbness in their minds. God, on the other hand, wants you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind through his Word,” Laurette says.
Yoga creates an altered state of consciousness, both passive and alert, which is the door to the occult! Apparently this refers to the sense of relaxation, calmness and well-being brought about by Yoga practice. It’s akin to the feeling one has after a good night’s rest. And actually, yes, this is the same state of consciousness which can be used for creative visualization, meditation and even spell-casting. Most people who practice Yoga, however, just walk away from class, carrying their good feelings with them and don’t go any further. If they choose to practice witchcraft, imagine themselves wealthy or anything else mystical, it’s really outside of Yoga’s realm. But there’s always that possibility….
Yoga encourages man to see himself as God, a false belief which leaves him open to demonic possession! To practice Yoga is to worship false idols! An idle mind is like a magnet waiting to capture any metal item crossing its way.
Yoga was engaged in ceremonially to summon Asiatic deities whose names are uttered through its chants and verbal sounds physical gestures; it’s designed to empty yourself out and invoke other spirits to inhabit a worshipper’s bodies.
Swiss psychiatrist/occultist C. G. Jung was one of the pioneers in bringing yoga to the West declared emphatically “it is an eastern occult technique for uniting the spirit man with the Universal Spirit (Hinduism’s god Brahman) Yoga has exploded in the Western world and it has done so under the guise of being purely physical in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.”
Hatha-yoga is a popular form of Yoga practiced today by those looking for a form of relaxation and non-strenuous exercise. Johanna Michaelsen , however, correctly discerns:
“There is a common misconception in the West that hatha-yoga, one of about ten forms of Yoga that supposedly leads to self-realization, is merely a neutral form of exercise, a soothing and effective alternative for those who abhor jogging and calisthenics, however, Hatha-yoga is ‘one of the six recognized systems of orthodox Hinduism’ and is at its roots religious and mystical. It is also one of the most difficult and potentially [spiritually] dangerous forms of Yoga.
Other types or brands of Yoga are:
(b) Karma Yoga: Path of Selfless Action.
(c) Jnana Yoga: Path of Transcendental Knowledge.
(f) Kriya Yoga: It includes a series of 144 techniques or, “Kriyas,” grouped into five phases, or branches.
So if someone is interested in physical exercises that are designed to help one’s body, he should not take Yoga, which is designed for death, and teaches how to reach this state of consciousness where one gets a better reincarnation. Even the physical positions in Yoga come right out of the Hindu scriptures, and are designed to put one into this state of consciousness where you imagine that you’re God. Therefore, people who think they’re getting relaxation and/or exercise, are really getting Hinduism! They think they’re getting science, but they’re getting religion. It’s mislabeled and it’s dangerous! (Source: a 1988 John Ankerberg Show program, “The New Age in Society.”)
Perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.
Islam and International Monetary System.
. . . And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims . (an Nahl, aayat 89)
Therefore this Book will give clarification and explain today’s strange World Monetary System which is based on riba (usury). In which wealth no longer circulates to the economy. In which the rich are now permanently rich and poor are imprisoned in poverty and new slavery forever and ever. And in this book is guidance as to how we should respond to that strange world out there. That explanation and guidance comes from Allah as Rahmah for those who have faith and when Allah blesses them with it, they accept it, embrace it and apply it regardless of the price they have to pay.
On the authority of ahadith received from both Ibn Abbas (RAA) and from Umar (RAA), we know that the last Revelation received by the blessed Prophet (SAW), shortly before his death, was the passage in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:278-281) which dealt with riba: Umar Ibn Khattab (RAA) said: “The last verse to be revealed was on riba, but Allah’s Messenger (SAW) was taken without having expounded it to us; so give up not only riba but also reebah (whatever raise doubts in the mind about its rightfulness). (Ibn Majah, Darimi)
“O you who believe, fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from riba (from now onwards) if you are indeed believers … And none shall be dealt with unjustly. (Al-Baqarah 2:278-281). Ibn Abbas (RAA) said: “This was the last verse revealed to the Prophet (SAW).” (Bukhari)
The question is, why should Almighty Allah (SWT), after sending Revelation announcing the perfection of Deen and the completion of His favor to the believers, choose to send one more Revelation shortly before the death of the Prophet (SAW)?
Allah knows the best but it appears to us that such a last Revelation, coming after the pronouncement of the perfection of the revealed Deen can only be used to reiterate something which lay at the very heart of the Divine guidance. Alternatively, it can be used to direct attention to that part of the Divine guidance in which the faith of the believers would be most vulnerable to a future attack by enemies of Islam.
The Prophet Confirms Greatest Danger of Riba. This analysis of ours appears to be confirmed by the fact that the Prophet (SAW) himself prophesied, in a hadith received from Abu Hurairah (RAA).
“There will come a time,” he said, “when you will not be able to find a single person in all of mankind who will not be consuming riba. And if anyone claims that he is not consuming riba then surely the vapor of riba will reach him”. (Abu Daud, Mishkat). Prophet (SAW) thus made it abundantly clear that the greatest danger to the integrity of the Ummah and of the iman of the believers would come from riba.
Prophet said about the riba that will come with Dajjal will be very difficult to recognize.
No one can recognize it unless he has Noor which is not sold in stock market. Allah guiles to Noor whomsoever he wishes to guide.
Let us briefly discuss the concept of riba .
Riba means lending and borrowing money on interest. When money is lent on interest, Allah declares that it is not business. Allah has made business Halal and riba haraam. Now to understand why riba is haraam we have to find out in what way the two i. e., Riba and Business are different from each other. The difference between business and riba is that it is in the essence of a business transaction that we embrace rick, we either make a profit or suffer a loss. In riba however, we don’t have any rick we either eliminate it or we immunize ourselves by minimizing it. So we can only make profit regardless of the size of the profit and there is no loss.
What is the harm in eliminating the risk?
When we eliminate the risk we shut the door, which Allah has forbidden. Allah says don’t shut this door because if you shut this door I am not going to open it. This door is the door to risk, through which Allah causes some to suffer loss and other to make gain, so that He can distribute and redistribute wealth, so that wealth could circulate through economy. But when this door is shut i. e., when the economy is based on Riba (lending and borrowing on interest), the rich will now remain permanently rich and poor will remain permanently poor.
This is fundamental form of riba , but there is another form of riba . If you meet a man coming to the market to sell his goods and you buy his goods before he could enter the market. And when he enters the market he finds that he could have got better price in the market as compared to what you paid him. This is also Riba. Because you exploited his ignorance of the market price to get a profit or gain more than that to which you were not justly entitled. Western people call it ripping off.
Bilal (RA) once came to Prophet (pbuh) with a basket of dates and offered some dates to the messenger of Allah. Prophet looked at the dates and said, “Bilal these are very fine quality dates. Where did you get them from”? Bilal replied that I had two baskets of inferior quality dates and I exchanged them for this one basket of superior quality of dates. That is how I got them. Prophet said, “Bilal! that was the essence of Riba . What you should have done is to sell the two baskets of inferior quality dates and take that money and buy the one basket of superior quality dates.”
Question arises that Umer (RA) exchanged four camels for one and that was not prohibited (harram). So why it is that exchange of dates was declared haraam but not the exchange of camels. For the answer we have to go to another hadith in Sahih Bukhari were Prophet is describing a transaction in which there is an exchange of gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat , barley for barley, dates for dates or salt for salt . And he is declaring once it is like for like it must be equal for equal. In this hadith there are 6 items mentions two as precious metals and others may be called as commodities. What is that which is common in 6 of them? There are two things. One all were used as money . Second thing is that in all 6 the value of money is in the money in other words in all the six the money had intrinsic value . Here comes the concept of sunnah money which is not known to most of the people. Sunnah money is one of the sunnah of Prophet which we have abandoned today and replaced it with currency notes which is riba (as it has no intrinsic value). Qur’an also mentions sunnah money at various places e. g., Dinaar , dirham ( which is a precious metal having intrinsic vlaue )
To understand the concept of intrinsic value let’s see this example:
My employer gives me salary in currency notes. Suppose today I can buy a horse with this salary. I take the salary home keep it safe, and after five years what I see is shocking. I cannot buy a horse with it anymore, but can buy only a donkey now. So my one month’s sweat is now reduced to say two weeks. This is not permissible in Islam. So the value is diminishing and the money with diminishing value is considered haraam in Islam.
Who took my money and how did they take it? It is clear my loss is somebody else’s gain.
After a few more years my salary is going to buy only a chicken. Imagine what will be next I won’t be able to buy even a chicken. The value of money goes on diminishing and finally I am going to be a slave. That is the price we pay when we have only scholarship but no guidance from Allah. But this thing cannot happen if my employer pays sunnah money. Value of sunnah money does not diminish as it has intrinsic value.
When Indonesian rupiah collapsed dramatically though there was nothing wrong with Indonesian economy. International Monetary Fund or World Bank had just two or three months earlier given a clean bill to Indonesian economy. Indonesian Rupiah collapsed overnight. It was probably trading at eight thousand and it fell to twelve thousand. More than half of the population of Indonesia was instantaneously reduced to poverty. And our mothers and sisters in Indonesia had to sell their bodies for 1 Dollar. It was not by accident. Turkey was also attacked in the same way. We know that Turkey is a hurdle for Israel. Israel needs the water of Turkey and support of the army of Mustafa kamaal. So in order to take military control over the country and take water, Israel needs to enslave them first. So do you know what the value of the Turkish Lira is? The Guinness Book of Records ranked the lira as the world’s least valuable currency in 1995 and 1996, and again in 1999 through 2004.
If not promissory notes (currency notes) then what should we use as money?
Answer is that anything that performs the functions of money can be used as money. So what are the functions of money?
Money has three basic functions:
It acts as a Medium of exchange and as a fateful measure of value and Money should preserve its value .
Sunnah money performs all these functions, but currency notes do not fulfill the third condition i. e., preserving its value.
Prophet (SAW) said, “I leave behind me two things as long as you hold on to them you will not go astray”.
But we have abandoned this sunnah (i. e., sunnah money) like any other sunnah and we have abandoned Qura’n. That is the reason for the plight of Muslims in the contemporary world. So according to the hadith we have infact gone astray and we know “ qulu Dalaalatin fin Naar (astray will be in Hell fire)”. But Allah knocks on the hearts and says, “ Tuubu Illallahi taubatan nasuuha (turn to Allah with sincerity and integrity)”. And in order to turn to Allah we have to recover the sunnah that we have abandoned, we must recover the sunnah money.
The prophecy of the Prophet (SAW) concerning the prevalence of riba has today been fulfilled. Specifically it has been fulfilled during the seventy years which have now elapsed since the Ottoman Khilafah was abolished in 1924.
The forces which penetrated the world with riba emerged in Europe and produced capitalism and communism, the secular model of a society and Godless materialism. Those forces produced the modern Western civilization. Without modern Western civilization it would not have been possible for the Jews to force their way back to the holy land and to re-establish the state of Israel from which they were expelled.
“There is a ban on a people (the Jews) whom We have punished (with destruction) that they shall not return (to the holy land of Palestine from which they were expelled) until Ya’juj (Gog) and Ma’juj (Magog) break through (the iron barrier built by Dhul Qarnain) and they swiftly unravel from every direction.” (Al-Anbiya’ 21:95, 96)
The very forces which emerged in contemporary history and made the restoration of the state of Israel possible are themselves the forces which have penetrated all of mankind with riba . The Qur’an identifies those forces as the evil Gog and Magog . It is, therefore, crystal clear that the penetration of the Ummah by the forces of riba represent an attack on the very house of Islam. The aim of the enemy is nothing less than to utterly destroy the faith of the believers!
Europe was empowered by a power which the rest of the world combined could not match. And Europe used this power to attack the rest of the world and colonies it. And for sure it did not happen by accident. It was very sinister to colonize the world and it was more sinister when Europe suddenly started to withdraw which they called decolonization . And when the Europeans decolonized, the natives had something which they called “independence”. They had a flag and national anthem, army etc. and they were happy for their success. But Europeans were laughing at those one-eyed fools.
Europe withdrew for tactical and strategic reasons. Before they withdrew they planted truly dangerous seeds.
Europe left behind two dangerous things one was modern secular state which in simple terms is a revolt against Allah. Modern secular state states that we do not recognize Allah any more as Al Malik (Sovereign), but the state is sovereign and this was the seed of Shirk – political shirk .
The second seed which they planted before leaving was the transformation of money . Money was no longer going to be sunnah money (i. e., money having intrinsic value) but the paper money without its intrinsic value.
Towards the end of World War II European victorious powers called an international monetary conference and invited the rest of the world to attend. 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. There were also Muslim countries present, even Saudi Arabia was there. This meeting in 1944 led to the Bretton Woods Agreement which created a new international monetary system. Two important things were agreed upon. Number one, not all the cheques of the world can be cashed except US Dollar. Only this currency can be redeemed for Gold hence US dollar was not Haraam. Second, not every individual can take his US Dollars to have it converted into gold but only governments and central banks can do it. So the system became almost 99.9% haraam . This system lasted from 1944 until 1971. In September 1971, British government approached US government with 3 billion US dollars for redemption (cashing the cheques). But US refused and declared to the world that we gave our word but we don’t have to keep it. So the system collapsed. This way the paper currency became 100% Haraam. But most of the Islamic countries did not recognize it.
In Oct 1973 war took place with Israel and King Faisal (RA) imposed an oil boycott on US and all the Oil producing states of Arab also joined. Consequently US Dollar collapsed by 400% overnight. And then on 15 Jan 1980 same thing happened again due to the Iranian revolution and Iranian people took control of the oil and they were threatening to export the revolution into the gulf were oil reserves are located. And then at the end of December 1979 the then Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and took over the country in order to control the revolution. And on the 15 th of Jan 1980 Us Dollar further collapsed to 850 Dollars to an ounce of gold. Why did all this happen how oil affected US economy?
US preferred to keep its oil reserves safe and import the oil from Arabs which was free (as US was paying them through cheques or Us Dollars which nobody could redeem). Collapse was just a drama. They wanted to control the price of gold through monopoly, the same way Rothschild controlled the prices of Diamond to gain maximum return. This is what is happening to gold today. Not for the purpose of keeping the price high but for the purpose of keeping this economic system from collapsing. They do not want it to collapse of its own, but they want to bring it down when it will be in interest of the state of Israel.
September 11 was another master stroke in the furtherance of this mission due to which even South African Rand, thousands of miles away fell from 6 to 9 and then to 12. Once the paper currency collapses US can no longer functions as the ruling state of the world and power will shift from Washington to Jerusalem and Israel will rule the world.
We should not be much concerned with who owns the banks but we must be careful as to who controls it. It is a fact that European Jews (Rothschild) control the banking system throughout the world. We are coming across a new concept of banking i. e., Islamic banking. The fact is that most of the Islamic Banks have actually opened a backdoor for riba .
The collapse of the international monetary system based on paper money with no intrinsic value is around the corner. We do not know this because we are scholars of Economics, but because we know Qur’an and Sunnah . So after collapse what will be used as money? Of course not gold, silver or dates, but electronic money which will be accessed by Magnetic Cards.
Can we reintroduce sunnah money?
The answer is simple NO because we cannot take control of territory anywhere on the face of the earth in the name of Islam and restore the sunnah money because those who today control the world are Gog and Megog. ( you may disagree with this thought )
Então, qual é a alternativa?
The answer is that macro option is not available but the micro option is available and that is the Islamic village . If we go find a land where land is cheap and there is water and we build a village which is small and does not threaten the state and in that village we have market. In that market we can bring back the sunnah money. The way people are doing in Muslim village established in Indonesia (Java Island). They have shortage of gold and silver coins so they are using rice as sunnah money. Similar Muslim village can be found in Natal outside Durban-South Africa and are using sugar as money. In short if we have shortage of gold and silver, we can use commodities which can preserve intrinsic value.
Prophet (SAW) said that, “ river Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold. And every one hundred who fight for that gold, out of those one hundred 99 will be killed. Believers must not touch that gold”.
In another hadith Prophet (saw) said that, “the earth will vomit from its liver gold and silver and Eesa (AS) and the Imaam will be sharing this wealth to such an extent that a man who wants to give Zakah (charity) cannot find anybody who would accept it .”
This is the tomorrow which is coming for those who hold on during this darkest hour of the night and are patient.
. . . “Seek help from Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah . He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.”( Surah Aaraf, aayat 128)
Illuminati in Brief.
Narrated by Anas, the Prophet said, “No prophet was sent but that he warned his followers against one eyed liar (ad Dajjal). Beware he is blind in one eye (right eye) and your Lord is not so, and there will be written between his eyes KA-FA-RA (disbelieve) . . . Sahih Bukhari.
Illuminati is an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt . The object of Illuminati is to take control of the world and establish a New World order (NWO). This elite group with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world from Jerusalem through a universal dictatorship and to finally make a stage for the arrival of Dark Messiah – Dajjal (Antichrist). In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy “power behind the throne”, allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations. In this context, the Illuminati (Satanists) backed by Israel is believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of New World Order. The Society of Freemasons has close ties with members of the Illuminati.
Weishaupt (founder of Illuminati) once told his lieutenants in his private directions:
“Conceal the very fact of our existence from the profane. If they discover us, conceal our real objective by profession of kindness. If our real object is perceived, pretend to disband and relinquish the whole thing, but assume another name and put forward new agents”
Weishaupt studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans, whose teachings revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had been indoctrinated into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown merchant named Kolmer, from Jutland (the area around the border of Denmark and West Germany), who had been traveling around Europe since 1771. He studied the power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans. He also studied the teachings of the Essenes, and acquired copies of the Kabala, The Major Key of Solomon, and The Lesser Key of Solomon, which revealed how to conjure up demons and perform occult rituals.
The Illuminati has recently gained some popularity with the Dan Brown novel Angels and Demons . Brown is most recognizable as the author of The Da Vinci Code . He takes the Illuminati on as a subject of interest, suggesting that all major scientific thinkers from the Age of Reason onward have been secret Illuminati members. Brown depicts a constant war between the Illuminati and the Roman Catholic Church, outlining the conflict between not only atheism and Christianity but also specifically science and religion. Brown also intimates that the Illuminati have infiltrated every powerful political organization, and is largely composed of the world’s scientific community.
Some believe that key members in the early formation of the US government, like Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin were members of the Illuminati, and that the group continues to influence world government. It is suggested that the Illuminati have taken an active role in most major events in history (e. g., revolutions, Nazism, Jewish holocaust, Humanism, Communism, Liberalism, Feminism, World Wars, Cold war, assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan, Kennedy, Martin Luther, George Washington, spreading of AIDS and Plague, earth Quakes, al Qaeda, September 11 event and many more). Conspiracy theorists have claimed that many notable people were or are members of the Illuminati, including Winston Churchill, the Bush family, Barack Obama, the Rothschild family, David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Illuminati have become so influential that they have put their mark almost everywhere & on everything.
One Eye on the top of pyramid represents the eye of Dajjal (antichrist)
“One eye” , “ Pyramid ” and other “ Masonic symbols ” appear on the logos of various international organisations and international brands. e. g., Flag of Israel, Great seal of America, America Online, Ameritrade ® , Colombia Broadcasting, British Intelligence M-I5, U. S. Information Awareness Office, CIA, Nike, Armani, Reebok, American Eagle, Bathing ape, Diesel, Ed Hardy, Espirit, GAP, Hermes, Hollister, American League, Iris Company, New Era and many more.
The picture of Great seal on US Dollar also symbolizes the antichrist.
Annuit Coeptus means “he (Lucifer) is pleased with our project” and.
Novus Ordo Secorum means “New World Order”.
On the base of the pyramid is written in Roman script MDCCLXXVI = 1776 (date of signing of Declaration of Independence and date of establishment of Illuminati).
Star of David is displayed on the flag of Israel & is comprised of two juxtaposed inverted triangles. This symbol is Pagan in origin and is used in various magic rituals. The Hexagram was also used by the “Master of the Occult” Aleister Crowley.
“There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco - type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of ELF waves, HAARP and Tesla technologies. & # 8221;
1. Abolition of all ordered governments: to establish world dictatorship of Lucifer.
2. Abolition of private property: control on volume of money in any country means control of all politics and commerce.
3. Abolition of inheritance: so that the property devolves to one central dictator.
4. Abolition of patriotism: to assimilate all cultures and regions into Luciferianism / Satanism.
5. Abolition of the family: by encouraging and promoting homosexuality and Feminism.
6. Abolition of religion: to promote worship of reason and Lucifer (Satan)
7. Population reduction: by various means.
8. Creation of a world government (New World Order) for enslaving the whole mankind.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) has exhorted the regular recital of Suratul Kahf (Chapter 18) which will most certainly save one from the Evils of Dajjal.
Tragedy of Karbala.
In the name of Allah, most Beneficent most Merciful.
On the 10th of Muharram Al-Haram, 61 A. H., a most abominable and tragic event occurred in the desert of Karbala that resulted in the martyrdom (shahadah) of Hussain Ibn Ali (RAA), the grandson of our Prophet(SAW) and the son of his daughter, along with most of the members of his family and their supporters. It should be borne in mind that this tragedy did not take place all of a sudden like a bolt from the blue. It was in fact the manifestation of the plot of Sabayees which had claimed the life of Uthman (RAA), the third Caliph and the son-in-law of the Prophet (SAW) twenty-five years earlier. Caliph Uthman’s (RAA) martyrdom took place on 18th of Dhu Al-Hajj, 36 A. H.
We must not overlook the fact that the struggle between the forces of good and evil is a continuous process which never ends. In the history of mankind, evil has reigned supreme most of the time whereas the triumph of good has been sporadic and short-lived. Another well-established fact is that the evil forces, even if subdued and subjugated, never acknowledge total defeat. On the contrary, they become submissive for a while and lay low, waiting for an opportunity to strike back. Often the evil forces, when subdued, go underground but never abandon their struggle to cause rift and strife among their opponents. The Prophet of Islam (SAW) brought about an incomparable and unprecedented revolution in the history of mankind, a unique miracle for all times, and established a state and government to dispense justice to the people over a vast tract of the globe. In the words of the Qur’an:
& # 8230; the Truth came and the falsehood vanished … (AI-Isra 17:8 1)
But toward the end of the Prophet’s revolution, the evil forces put on a disguise and lay low, waiting for the right moment for a counter-attack. Thus, immediately after the demise of the Prophet (SAW), insurgencies raised their ugly heads against the Islamic state. False prophets and defiants of Zakat challenged the central authority and waged wars against the state of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwara. These were the counter-revolutionary forces, determined to disintegrate the newly established Islamic state; but through determined and prompt action, Abu Bakr Siddique (RAA), the first Caliph, defeated them and consolidated the achievements of the Prophet’s Islamic Revolution. It was a great service to Islam rendered by the first Caliph who had a short but glorious reign.
In the next twenty years which include the reigns of Omar (RAA) and Uthman (RAA), the second and third Caliph of Islam, many more countries were conquered under the banner of Islam and the Muslim empire extended over a vast expanse of the globe, comprising Iraq, Syria, Iran on one side and a large part of North Africa including Egypt and Morocco on the other. But the historical process has its immutable laws. As the Revolution of the Prophet (SAW) was challenged by the reactionary movements on the Arab land, the same happened with the conquests of those two Caliphs. The first target of these reactionaries was the person of Omar (RAA) who was assassinated by Abu Luloo Feroze , a Parsi slave from Iran. It was purely an Iranian plot hatched by Hurmuhn , an Iranian general, who thought that if Omar (RAA) was removed from the scene, the empire of Islam would fall lie a house of cards. But by the grace of Allah (SWT), it survived the calamity. Abdullah Ibn Saba , a Jew from Yemen, under the garb of a Muslim, temporarily stayed at Madinah. He had all the trappings of an expert plotter and the Jewish genius at intrigues, an attribute of his clan. He planted subversive ideas among the people. He pleaded for the usurped rights of the house of the Prophet (SAW), carried out a propaganda campaign against Caliph Uthman (RAA) and incited the people to revolt. He declared Ali (RAA) to be the rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and dubbed Uthman (RAA) as a usurper. He told people that every Prophet has a wasee and Ali (RAA) is the wasee of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and, therefore, entitled to be the caliph after the Prophet. He also preached the divinity of Ali (RAA), thus striking at Tauheed, the very root of Islam. The Iranians, who had embraced Islam only a few years before, were taken in by this propaganda because they had a long history of kingship and hero-worship. They were familiar with the divine rights of kings, and hero-worship was diffused in their blood. They readily accepted these ideas and became their champions. Similarly Abdullah Ibn Saba floated another viewpoint related to the second appearance of Prophet Isa (AS). He argued that Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who is the best amongst the prophets of Allah (SWT), would also appear with Christ, for the contrary would imply that he is inferior to Prophet Isa (AS). This was the same argument used by the Qadianis in later years, who invented the notion of the death and burial of Prophet Isa (AS) in Kashmir. They argued that it was illogical for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to have died and for Prophet Isa (AS) to be alive in the heaven. Unsophisticated and illiterate Muslims saw a point of adoration in it for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and fell an easy prey to that sort of propaganda.
Abdullah Ibn Saba travelled all over the Muslim lands and set up his propaganda centers at Basra and Kufa, but his attempts failed in Damascus. Then he went to Egypt where he formed a party of his supporters. Consequently, the last two years of Caliph Uthman’s (RAA) reign were filled with machinations, intrigue, and turmoil all over Muslim territories. It culminated in the most unjustified murder (martyrdom) of Caliph Uthman (RAA) who was the ruler of a vast empire and had tens of thousands of soldiers under his command but refused to shed the blood of Muslims in self-protection. Governors of provinces from all over the empire besought the Caliph to allow them to send troops to calm the uprising and to protect his person from the rebels who had surrounded his residence, but he remained strict and steadfast in his decision. It is perhaps a unique and unprecedented episode in the entire history of mankind that a very powerful man, like the Caliph Uthman (RAA), refused to use authority for his personal safety and let himself be assassinated. May Allah (SWT) shower His blessings on him.
The murder of Habeel (son of Adam) by his brother Qabeel is perhaps an incident comparable to Caliph Uthman’s (RAA) assassination. When Qabeel ‘declared his intention to kill Habeel, the latter announced his resolve, in the words of the Qur’an:
Even if thou stretch out thy hand against me, I shall not stretch out my hand against thee to kill thee;
indeed I fear Allah the Lord of the worlds. (Al-Ma’ida 5:28)
So, Habeel was assassinated by his brother and that was the first act of homicide in the history of mankind. It was a totally unjustified murder in which the victim refused to offer resistance as in the assassination of Caliph Uthman (RAA). For such an act, Allah (SWT) has declared His reward and punishment in the Qur’an:
For that cause We decreed for the children of Israel that whosoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whosoever saves on , it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind …
Before Caliph Uthman’s assassination, Abdullah Ibn Salam (RAA), a Jewish scholar who had converted to Islam, addressed the rebels surrounding the residence of the Caliph in these words: “0 people! Beware of murdering a caliph of a Rasool (Messenger of Allah) for, I am a scholar of Torah and I tell you that Allah avenges the murder of His prophets and the murder of the deputies of his prophets (caliphs). There has hardly been any murder of a prophet which Allah has not avenged by inflicting death on seventy thousand people and the murder of a caliph by inflicting death on thirty five thousand people.” Now it is on record that, after the martyrdom of Uthman (RAA), the conflict and strife among the Muslim continued for almost five years. Civil war broke out and three major battles – Jamal, Siffeen and Nahrwan – were fought, causing eighty-four thousand deaths of Muslims at the hands of other Muslims. Many a pious and good Muslims were slain by the sword of fellow Muslims. Amongst them were eminent Companions like Talha (RAA), Zubair (RAA), Ammar Ibn Yasir (RAA) and many more. Ali (RAA), the fourth Caliph, also sacrificed his life in this strife. Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) was also attacked but survived. Amar Ibn Al-Aas (RAA) survived a murder attempt due to an alibi; his proxy was killed instead. The strong disagreement and strife among the Muslims caused by Abdullah Ibn Saba and his followers claimed countless valuable lives.
An instance from the authenticated record of the battle of Jamal is narrated here to illustrate how Muslims fell victims to the traps laid by the Sabayees. After the occupation of Basra, Umm AI-Momineen Ayisha (RAA) received a message from Caliph Ali (RAA) for talks and negotiation. It should be remembered that she was never a claimant for the caliphate. Her only demand was that the murderers of Uthman (RAA) must be punished immediately. Ali (RAA) offered to accept her demand if his hands were first strengthened by a declaration of allegiance to him by her group. Both the armies of Ayisha (RAA) and Ali (RAA) were facing each other and camping on the battle field when these negotiations started. The news of this negotiation reached Abdullah Ibn Saba and Malik Ibn Ashter Nakhey . They immediately pursued their nefarious plot to undermine the peace talks. Accordingly, under the cover of darkness, they, along with some of their followers, mounted an attack on Umm Al-Momineen Aisha’s (RAA) camp and the rumor was spread that the attack was made by the forces loyal to Ali (RAA). At the same time, they sent the word to Ali’s (RAA) camp that Umm Al-Momineen Ayisha’s (RAA) forces had initiated the attack. Consequently the opposing armies clashed with each other with all their might, leaving thousands dead on the battle field. It is a very painful part of Muslim history that no investigation to discover the truth in time was ever successful. The same thing happened at the battle of Siffeen. When a stage for peaceful negotiations was set, the Sabayees undermined it and a new scion of dissidents, the Khawarij , appeared on the scene, opening another front for the warring factions.
During the reign of Caliph Ali(RAA ), the Muslim empire did not exist as a single state under one central authority but broke up into various power centers. Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA), the governor of Syria, demanded avenge of Uthman’s (RAA) murder. “The assassins of Uthman (RAA) are in your camp and they are your advisers. I will not declare allegiance to you unless they are punished,” he insisted. It should be borne in’ mind that Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) did not put his claim to the Caliphate and was contented with the governorship of Syria. Whether his demand and pressure on Ali (RAA) was justified or not is an open issue, and everyone is entitled to have an opinion.
Caliph Ali (RAA) was killed by a Khariji , and his son Hassan (RAA) accepted the allegiance of the people at Kufa, a big army base. It appeared that another conflict was in the making. Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA), leading a forty thousand strong contingent, marched to Medinah where he had to confront Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA), the governor of Syria, who faced him with a huge army. A small squad was leading the army of Hassan (RAA). It was rumored that the squad had a clash with the enemy and suffered a defeat. The persons responsible for spreading this rumor were never identified. Upon hearing the rumor, the Kufi forces revolted against Hassan (RAA) and not only looted his camp but also manhandled him. He had to take refuge in Chosroes’ palace. But this incident shook the confidence of Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA) in his Kufi supporters; he therefore sent a word to Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) for peace talks. Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) not only accepted the offer but also sent a blank cheque, so to say, for a settlement in accordance with the terms of Hassan (RAA), who laid down the following conditions:
1. The tax collections from the province of Ahwaz shall be paid to Hassan (RAA).
2. A grant of two million dirham shall be paid annually to Hussain (RAA), his younger brother.
3. Banu Hashim shall be preferred in the distribution of allowances and grants.
4. A general amnesty shall be declared for all who took part in the battle.
Arneer Mu’awiya (RAA) accepted all these terms and peace was restored in the sprawling empire. Strife and civil war came to an end and the state was unified under one central authority as he forced allegiance from all the dissidents. Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA), commenting on the transfer of authority, said, “If Mu’awiya was the rightful successor to the Caliphate, he has received it and if I had that right, I, too, have passed it on to him; so the matter ends there.” This was in accordance with the prophecy of the Holy Prophet (SAW) about Hassan (RAA) when he had said, “Through my son Hassan, Allah will bring about peace between tow waning factions of Muslims.” It was an honor bestowed on Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA) by Allah (SWT), but the Sabayees were highly indignant at this peace move. They called him names and taunted him with the words “ Ya Aar Al-Momeneen” (0, Shame for the believers!) and “Ya Mozill Al-Momineen ” ( You, the debaser of the Believers !). Ostensibly they were his supporters, but in fact expressed their utter resentment at his action for peace making which ushered in an era of twenty years of unity and tranquility in the Muslim empire.
Muslims belonging’ to Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah (the Sunni sect of Islam) do not include Ameer Mu’awiya’s (RAA) reign in Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah (the period of Rightly Guided Caliphate). But Ameer Mu’awiya’s (RAA) twenty years reign is still considered to be the best period in the entire Muslim history after Al-Khilafah Al-Rashidah, because during his reign all the functions of a ‘Muslim state - maintenance of peace, dispensation of justice, struggle for the supremacy of Islam, spreading of the Word of Allah (SWT) – were performed admirably well. The reign of Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz (RA) is also considered a glorious era of Islamic history, but it should be borne in mind that Ameer Mu’awiyah (RAA) – who was not only a Companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW) but also a scribe of Divine Revelation – stands much higher in rank and status than Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz (RAA) because the latter was a Taba’yee (a companion of the Companions of the Prophet) and not a Sahabi. It is the common belief of the Sunnis that however pious a person may be, he cannot be rated equal to the lowest among the Companions of the Prophet (SAW)
Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA) lived for ten years during the reign of Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA), and after the peace agreement between the two, they had a very close and friendly relationship. However, Hassan (RAA) was poisoned to death, most probably by the same group who were enraged at his armistice (peace agreement) with Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA). By no stretch of imagination this heinous deed can be ascribed to Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) who had no grudge against Hassan (RAA).
Before we discuss the nomination of Yazeed as a successor to his father, it would be appropriate to understand some basic and relevant issues. Firstly, the differences in belief ( aqeeda ) and juristic interpretation ( fiqh) among the various sects of the Muslim Ummah have been grossly exaggerated. The Sunnis have no disagreement regarding belief, and have only some minor differences over the interpretation of the Shari’ah. In fact, there are only two sects in Islam, i. e., Sunni and Shi’ah, because they differ over beliefs as well as over the interpretation of Shari’ah. There are certain differences which do not cause the parting of ways. For instance, opinions about historical events and personalities can be overlooked. If one considers Ali (RAA) better than Abu Bakr (RAA), one can do so because it does not contravene any basic tenet of Islam. Similarly, the Sunnis believes Abu Bakr (RAA) the best among the entire mankind after the prophets of Allah (SWT), yet this does not constitute any basic article of faith of a Muslim. However, the concept of the infallible Imamate maintained by the Shi’ahs is unacceptable because it strikes at the very root of the concept of Prophet-hood. Only the prophets were continuously guarded against and protected by Allah (SWT) from any sin, and with the termination of Prophet-hood the privilege of infallibility has been taken away by Allah (SWT) from all the progeny of Adam. The door of personal judgment ( Ijtihad ) is open while the door of Divine Revelation (Nabuwwah) has been closed forever.
ljtihad, the exercise of personal judgment within the framework of the guidance provided by the Qur’an and the Sunnah (the sayings and doings of the Prophet) is a privilege offered to every Muslim who is well-versed in the teachings of Islam. The possibility of an error of judgment can never be ruled out because to err is human. But any judgment or decision made in good faith and with a clear conscience has a reward for the judge, regardless of the correctness of the judgment. That is the belief of the Muslim Ummah . In the light of this principle, we can judge the actions of all the caliphs of Islam to be without malice and can hold any opinion we like provided it is not derogatory to their status as the Companions of the Prophet (SAW).
Now let us look at the issue of Yazeed’s nomination by his father, Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA), as an heir-apparent to the caliphate. According to authentic historical records, it was done on the advice of Moghira Ibn Sho’ba (RAA), who was a very intelligent and far-sighted Companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He argued that on the death of Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA), the issue of his succession, if remained uncertain, might plunge the Ummah once again into a war as had happened in the pre-Mu’awiya period; hence it was advisable to nominate a person to wield authority in the event of Ameer Mu’awiyah’s death. He also suggested the name of Ameer Mu’awiya’s son Yazeed for the job. Now it is open to question whether this decision was justified or not, but no aspersions should be cast on Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) or Moghira (RAA) who arrived at the conclusion with a clear conscience and in good faith. Both occupy venerable positions in the order of merit of the Companions of the Prophet. Moghira (RAA) was one of those who swore allegiance to the Prophet (SAW) under the tree (on the occasion of Baiy’ah Al-Ridwan) and Allah (SWT) has commended all of them who took part in that (AI-Qur’an: Al-Fath 48:l8). He remained a faithful friend and supporter of Ali (RAA) throughout his life. But much water had flown under the bridge since Ali’s (RAA) times and he could apprehend danger in the absence of most of the influential Companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who had died by then (60 A. H.). The new generation did not have that sense of responsibility or moral embellishment as the old had. In view of such arguments, they took a decision counter to the democratic spirit inculcated by the Prophet (SAW) among his followers. Nevertheless, they cannot be condemned as having ulterior motives of their own, apart from the good of the Ummah , because the Sunnis believe in the diction which asserts:
All Companions of the Prophet were just. We can differ with the Companions, but we cannot malign them as mala fide.
Now look at the other side of the picture. Many prominent dignitaries among the Muslims including the three lbad Allah – i. e., Abdullah Ibn Zubair (RAA), Abdullah Ibn Omar (RAA), Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RAA). As also Hussain Ibn Ali (RAA) and Abdur Rehman Ibn Abu Bakr (RAA) – not only disapproved of Yazeed’s nomination but also declared it against the spirit of Islam. The historic comment of Abdur Rehman Ibn Abu Bakr (RAA), when he was asked for allegiance to Yazeed’s heirship, is well worth taking note of. He said, “Now instead of acting upon the Prophet’s (SAW) and the rightly guided Caliphs’ tradition, do you want to adopt the tradition of Caesar and Chosroes?” Also: the fad cannot be overlooked that, except these five prominent Muslims, many others, including a large number of the Companions of the Prophet (SAW), swore allegiance to Yazeed’s nomination. All these people cannot be maligned and declared mala fide. Some may even allege that Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) bought their loyalties. If we accept this premise, by the same token it can also be alleged that Hassan Ibn Ali (RAA) too was bought over, and the Shi’ahs consider Hassan (RAA) to be an Imam Masoom (an infallible guide or leader). Obviously this is not the right course of thought and argument because, if pursued to the logical conclusion, it would tarnish many illustrious names among the Muslims. The only right conduct for us could be to absolve (release) all those who supported Yazeed as well as those who opposed him of all blame because they all acted according to their convictions and for the good of the Muslim Ummah .
Now let us examine the stand which Hussain Ibn Ali (RAA) took in the situation. As said earlier, he sincerely believed that the nomination of Yazeed to the heirship of the Caliphate would destroy the spirit of democracy and republicanism nurtured and developed so diligently during the Prophet’s era and afterward, and that it would lead to hereditary kingship which was repugnant to the original political teaching of Islam. He therefore resolved to oppose this with all the resources at his command. The bag load of communications, sent to him by the people of Kufa, not only approved of his stand but also promised support and loyalty to his cause. Kufa was a military base and a very strategic city situated at the crossroads to Iran and Syria. He thought that if the people of Kufa supported him, as their letters written to him indicated; it would be possible to effectively neutralize the change being brought about in the body politic of the Muslim Ummah . So he argued and resolved to act for that cause. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RAA) also shared his thoughts but he opposed Hussain’s (RAA) going to Kufa because he knew the Kufis better and warned him not to repose his confidence in their loyalty. The Kufis had earlier betrayed Ali (RAA) and his son Hassan (RAA). Abdullah Ibn Omar (RAA) and Abdullah Ibn Zubair (RAA) also had similar opinions about the Kufi character and vehemently besought Hussain (RAA) not to depend on their words would be against him; “Under the slightest pressure or monetary coercion the Kufis would change their loyalties,” the three Ibad Allah warned Hussain (RAA). But he appeared to have taken a firm decision. So he brushed aside all their’ pleadings and warnings, and decided to proceed to Kufa, placing his confidence in Allah (SWT). For he acted in the true spirit of Allah’s and the Prophet’s command:
So when you have decided (on a course of action) repose your confidence in Allah (Aal-e-lmran 3: 159).
It may be argued that Hussain (RAA) committed a mistake in the assessment of the situation, but no insinuations about his intentions can be entertained. He had no lust for power or avarice for wealth. This is the common belief of the Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah (the Sunnis). They do not consider him, like all non-Prophets, to be infallible; at the same time they do not doubt his integrity either.
When the nomination issue was deliberated upon in Madinah, Abdullah Ibn Zubair (RAA) went over to Makkah and so did Hussain (RAA), because some prominent Muslim were of the opinion that Makkah would be the best place as a stronghold or base for launching a campaign for building up public opinion against Yazeed’s heirship. However, before any significant work could be done in this regard, Ameer Mu’awiya (RAA) died and Ameer Yazeed took over the reins of government. Now Hussain (RAA) received heaps of letters from the Kufis pledging their loyalty and support to him if he mounted an attack against Ameer Yazeed’s forces. He sent his cousin Muslim Ibn Aqeel (RAA) to Kufa to find out facts: Soon he received an affirmation of the loyalty of Kufis from his cousin and he staked preparations for a journey to Kufa. Abdullah Ibn Omar (RAA) and Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RAA) pleaded vigorously against his plan and entreated him to at least leave women and children in Makkah if he was determined to proceed to Kufa. But Hussain (RAA) ignored their suggestions. On the way he received the report of Muslim Ibn Aqeel’s (RAA) death at the hands of Ameer Yazeed’s men and the apathy and indifference displayed by the people of Kufa at this incident, and also the news that the Kufis had shifted their loyalties to Ameer Yazeed, pledging support to him against Hussain (RAA) and his followers.
Now Hussain (RAA) was in a dilemma: should he continue his journey towards Kufa or return to Makkah? The Arab tradition of avenging the murder of their man, at all costs, was too strong for him to resist. Besides, the close relatives of Muslim Ibn Aqeel (RAA), who were accompanying Hussain (RAA), declared their resolve to punish the assassins and continue their march. For Hussain (RAA), it was below his dignity to abandon them and return to Makkah. So, he decided to continue his march to Kufa. Meanwhile Auon and Mohammad , the two young sons of Abdullah Ibn Jaffer Tayyar , a cousin of Hussain (RAA), arrived with their father’s message: “For God’s sake, don’t go to Kufa.” However, Hussain (RAA) continued his journey with these two boys joining his camp and arrived at the desert of Karbala. Ibn Ziad , the governor of Kufa, arrived there with one thousand soldiers under his command and offered one option to Hussain (RAA) in accordance with the instruction from Ameer Yazeed: “You can neither go to Kufa nor return to Makkah, but you can go anywhere else you want.” Obviously, the only course open for Huss’ain (RAA) was to Damascus, the capital. It is very unfortunate that he turned down the offer and continued his sojourn at Karbala tying to win over the support of Ibn Ziad’s men because in his addresses to the Kufis under Ibn Ziad’s command, he mentioned the persons by name who had written letters to him pledging loyalty and support and pleaded with them to honor their pledges. The Kufis, fearing the possibility of ensuing persecution and punishment, disowned their letters and denied their authorship.
Meanwhile, a reinforcement of four thousand soldiers, under the command of Amar Ibn Sa’d, arrived at Kufa from Damascus. Amar was the son of Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqas (RAA), the conqueror of Iran , and was also related to Hussain (RAA) for whom he had all the sympathies. Talks of reconciliation continued but the Kufis, fearing reprisals in case of reconciliation, forced their leader Ibn Zaid to toughen his attitude. Realizing this, Hussain (RAA) placed three options before them: “Allow me to return to Makkah safely, or allow me to proceed to the frontiers of the Muslim empire so that I may continue my campaign against non-Muslims, or allow me a safe passage to the capital, Damascus, where I may settle the issue with Ameer Yazeed in person.”
The conspirators, however, succeeded in undermining the reconciliation talks and forced Amar Ibn Sa’d to corner Hussain (RAA). “Either surrender unconditionally or get ready for war,” they demanded. Obviously an unconditional surrender by Hussain (RAA) was a tall order and a challenge to his honor and dignity. He was constrained to fight the enemy though heavily outnumbered and under-quipped. Thus, the Sabayee conspiracy that sabotaged the peace talks just before the battles of Jamal and Siffeen was successful once again, and Hussain (RAA) and all his camp followers were slain mercilessly on the sands of Karbala. However, all of them displayed steadfast courage and bravery on the battle-field.
In dividing blame for this tragedy, fictitious stories have been fabricated about the disagreements between Ali (RAA) and Uthman (RAA). In fact, there were no disagreements between the two, who respected and loved each other like brothers. It is again the Sabayee elements who concocted bogus stories and phony events to cover up their own heinous acts of perfidy in this drama of strife and partisan-politics forced on the Muslims. No attempt has ever been made to unmask their ugly faces and instead their version of these episodes has been accepted as authentic, resulting in deep malignity against the highly venerable and illustrious personalities of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
From the assassination of Uthman (RAA) right up to the tragic event at Karbala, one can easily discern the hidden hand of Sabayee agents who successfully plotted against the solidarity of the Muslim Empire and plunged in into senseless bloodshed. The entire blame must be placed on them, where it rightfully belongs, and the fair names of the Companions of the Prophet (SAW), who are all adool (scrupulously just), must be exonerated from the calumny and ignominy to which they have been exposed through the malicious propaganda of the Sabayees.
It would be worthwhile to mention here two instances of fair play and God-fearing conduct of Ali (RAA) and Ameer Yazeed. When Ali (RAA) defeated Umm Al - Momineen Ayisha (RAA) at the battle of Jamal , he treated her with the same reverence and decorum to which she was entitled as one of the “Mothers of the Believers.” He conducted her and her retinue of ladies and gentlemen with all the respect and security to Madinah. This amply demonstrates that there was no personal enmity or malice between the two. Again, when the battle survivors, ladies and children from Hussain’s (RAA) camp of Karbala arrived at Damascus, Ameer Yazeed treated them with due regard and respect and expressed his sympathies with them. He also expressed his sincere condolences at the needress bloodshed and said, “ Had Ibn Ziad not gone to such an extent, I would have been pleased with him even then.”
The two martyrdoms, that of Uthman (RAA) and of Hussain (RAA), have caused agony in the hearts of the Muslim Ummah and have cast their gloomy shadows over its fourteen hundred year history. They have caused dissension and fighting among the Muslims who have fallen into the trap of those who sowed the seeds of discord and shifted the blame to the most respected persons of the Ummah . It is, in fact, the triumph of those intriguing elements who were jubilant over their accomplishment. Now, we are at each other’s throat and hurl bad names and odium on the vey honorable personalities of Islam. Some people consider names of Yazeed and Shimer a symbol of profanity (curse) and an anathema (abhorrence) while some others use Amar Ibn Sa’d’s and Ameer Mu’awiya’s (RAA) names as expletives (offensive). May Allah guide such people to the right course and protect us from sharing their company or views and give us the wisdom and strength to heed Prophet’s warning:
Beware of expressing opinions about my Companions and, after I am gone, do not use them for your own ends; for whosoever will love them would do so because of their love for me and whosoever would have bitterness against them, would do so because of their bitterness against me.
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